View Full Version : Message from another CA gun grabbber...

08-22-2011, 08:37 PM

Rated F by the NRA.

As far as I know the Tea Party just wants to get the government back under the control of the people, preserve our 2nd admendment rights, elect leaders that understand and will follow the Constitution, and reverse this Socialist Nanny State crap that is being shoved down our throats. Yes that would certainly be against her socialist agenda. What was left out of the video was she followed that statement with "And I'm going to help send them there." What does she mean by that? Is she gonna sick the government goons on anyone who professes to be a Tea Party member or supporter?

08-23-2011, 07:19 AM
Good luck to her, let me know how well it's gonna work at say 2800 fps. Me thinks she'll get there first.:madgrin: