Had two yellow labs, just noi better companion and huntjer. My labs were the best waterflow dogs in the 6 county area, People knew their reputation but I worked my ass off training them to. They worked to the whistle perfectly and my bi yellow block head lab was the best dove dog I have ever seen. One reason I really bougyht th yellow labs even was that I knew I woulduse them alot fo dove jhunting and in corn fields or millow feilds he just blended in. I sure miss um both to, they served me well, I took care of them like my kids and they were protecrtive of my property but loving to any kid whether I was around or not. They seemked toknow adult assholes from you nbg kids. They got old with e and that was a good thing as I hunted mostley by myself and they were my talking companions. My labs both could hear when I clicked off my safety on my Model 37 Ithaca and they knew something was in the sky nearby. Damn I could go on and on.