I'm a 1911 guy and I think we need to build a little enthusiasm fire under this sub section.
How about Mr. Riceboy72? putting in a few pictures of your SA Operator, maybe even you and the girlfriends side by side (with her holding them?) had to try.
Maybe we can just add pics of different ones to get something happening here. Let's try to help that fella out with his Rock River, Rock Island inquiry too. I shot one, know a guy that has one but haven't played enough to give him a good solid answer. I'd buy it but course people say I'd buy anything.
Feel free to drift off topic, totally unrelated personal issues welcome, if it's funny it flies, rocket science, technical terms and measurement in less than half pounds discouraged unless you want and then it's ok.
I'd plant a picture but I'm suppose to be putting an end to crime as we know it and well today I'm just more into firing up this 1911 section. No lurking on the sidelines you lurkers, jump in, be recognized. If you don't got a 1911 or anything remotely similar perhaps you could submit a reason why you don't, say 1000 words or less? Or maybe better why you want one. If you own say 6 or so, maybe why I gotta have one more? Let the games begin.