First problem - shoddy parts

Next - you need to fit the slide to the frame

Next problem - if you want a gun that shoots ok and lasts, you need a barrel that fits - buy oversize and fit it

next problem - more shoddy parts

Get GOOD hammers and sears and disconnectors

next fit them - it takes experience, but its not hard


I've built up many hundreds of 1911's. Many. They all worked. Built up a few real target 1911s, and they all shot well. Perhaps not Jim Clark bullseye, but they shot well.

No matter what any one says, you CAN fit a barrel with files alone, but.. you have to be good with files, and know the tricks to making things come out square and level... even on the curved bottom lug area.

There's more to a nice 1911 than just going bang. Its a thing of balance, one of things fitting "just so".

Or, you end up with an army 45 type loosy goosy affair that will work, but ... ya know, maybe thats all ya want.

Last year I built 4 of 'em for myself, and put a barrel in a fifth one. No complaints.