I agree, its definitely overlooked. You couldn't build this, particularly at today's prices on stock 10/22s, for any less and it might cost you more. I've been shopping for a 22 rifle for awhile (previous thread on this) and if you take the price of a regular 10/22, add a barrel, this stock (or any other stock really), you'd easily be at the price of this gun...today or pre-frenzy. This gun was selling mid-500 to 600 before the frenzy. I paid just under $700. Basically about the same markup thta's on a 10/22 right now. I probably overpaid a tad, but I'm OK w/ that.

I was also considering a 15-22, but boy I'm glad I went this route. The weight alone (or lack thereof) really makes this a better choice unless you are really looking for an AR training platform.

Strange as it sounds, this is my first rifle. I have always shot other folks stuff when the opportunity presented itself, but never had much of a desire to own one of any flavor. Always been a handgun guy and after years of working through the 'cross dominant' thing I also never wanted one because using my right eye is just a royal pain. I pick up a rifle and just have a really hard time w/ it. I'm right handed, left eye dominant. I feel completely incompetent w/ a rifle in my hands.

After this short outing today, I think I'm going to work on shouldering the rifle on my left and just learn to shoot it left handed (Inigo Montoya..."I'm going to do him left handed"). I can already tell if I keep trying to shoot it right handed I'm going to screw up years of work learning to shoot my pistols with both eyes open, head turned to the right to force my left eye to do the work.

Now I just have to find more 22lr ammo. I've still got 1000 rounds or so left over from my short ownership of a Walther P22. But I can tell that isn't going to last long. Hopefully prices and availability on 22lr will correct itself before I run out.