The man was as talented at his craft as anyone could attain to. Unbelievable talent.
But how can you ignore who he was and what he stood for? I'm sure there is a true 'clinical' depression as a disease .... but I'll go way out of my bounds here and say that allot (dare I say the majority) of it is brought about by lifestyle. And that type of lifestyle is immune from success or failure.

I read the headlines this morning that he "Struggled with addiction". I speak somewhat from experience here .. not my own ... but my brothers daughter who died of OD and it killed me to watch all the great 'friends and family' talk about the same "struggle", as though it was some innocuous force that they have no control over. She, and probably Robin W too, made life choices and cultural decisions that destroy lives. These same friends and family stood in the corners as enablers by their 'hands off' neutrality.

I'm sorry if that sounds cruel. I love the mans talent and entertainment. I admire his ability to express himself. I truly wish his family peace and comfort. Three of his movies in particular , are among my all time favorites (Good WIll Hunting, Hook, and Dead Poets Society).But I find it very hard to stand neutral on the cultural (and that includes political) degradation of this country.