
Was over on a forum for the KSG. An end-user gets his KSG. He proceeds to modifiy it. Takes it to the range. Doesn't work. Gives it to his "gunsmith", who polishes everything internally (which I doubt). Still doesn't work. Kel-Tec tells the end user to go pound sand over the warranty. Pssst. The problem is his rail accessories not allowing the slide to fully move rearward. Don't tell him that though. He'd rather bask in "unreliable" mode.

Folks get new guns, polish this that and the other thing, not for looks, but for "reliability and smoothness", then wonder about a certain feel to its action, slide or trigger. And I wonder, how did they determine just what needed the polishing? They had the skills to determine that X Y and Z were inadequate, yet cannot determine any cause and effect on their own, once the deed is done? They flip the gun, flip off the manufacturer, and live in the "Unreliable Zone".

One shooter says they have a bad pistol. Its been to the manufacturer three times, and it keeps coming back supposedly fixed. They keep shooting their pet load in it. Wait a second.... you can manufacture ammo from components and not know one diddly rats pattootey about what it is that makes ammo work in certain arms and not others? Its a wonder sometimes. They go by the recipe book. And the book doesn't lie, it knows everything, and they did it just like the book said (with the max load as the starting load no doubt). Living in the Unreliable Land.....

Today.... I'm working with a customer, finding grouund faults in his buried wire. He questions everthing I do, tells me I'm doing it wrong. I find nine faults on one segment, and that segment is about 1700 yards long. Thats long! Two faults are really bad. Those are the ones to correct first. Does he want to? No. He'd rather tell me I don't know what I'm doing. Won't I just try this and that and whatever.... I tell him no. I try to explain the priniples of operation of my equipment (simple stuff really)... but he just doesn't want to face reality, and that reality is - he's got a ten piece length of wire that ought to be one piece, and he's gonna have to excavate in nine places to correct the situtation. No, he wants me to excavate.... Machete don't text. I don't dig (much).

Must be the phase of the moon, or maybe it rained. The worms always come out when it rains.