After months of reading about all kinds of pistols from all of the different manufacturers, I finally decide on the T9. I have no intention of using it as a carry pistol, but to use for target practice. I wanted something elegant and refined. I wanted all steel. I was not concerned about the weight. I did have a lot of hesitation from all the folks on the different forums who talk down about Kahr products in general, specifically the long pull of the trigger and the weight of the T9.

Well, I am a newbie and don't know much of anything, but when it came in, my stepson took me to a range for the first time. I was surprised by how smooth it was. I was expecting some massive kick in the recoil and it didn't seem like much at all. He said I did really well at 5 yards and 10 yards. It is going to take me some time to get to the point where I feel competent, but for what it is worth, I have no regrets. I fired 59 rounds, and all shots were within the center 1/3 of the target.

I am excited to spend more time with the T9, but for anyone wondering whether it is worth it, I can say that it is quite a machine. Great looking, fits well in my hand and smooth. Thank you Kahr! It was worth the 3 month wait for a new one to become available.