I was shooting yesterday..texted a friend to come on by. He showed up without his ears so we had to switch off using mine. While I was outside in the car, he was shooting my K40 for the first time and I heard him hit a double tap.

When I came in, he was counting holes in the target and looked concerned. He said the double-tap was unintentional, that he shot and the next shot 'went off by itself'. I was highly skeptical but didn't say so.. usually in these situations, it's a 404 User Error and not the gun, especially with people who don't shoot very often.

I tried for 50 rounds, limping, one handed, holding it in my mouth, using my tongue to pull the trigger, telekinesis..everything, but could not reproduce his magic-tap.

Funny thing, all the bullets he shot were on target that round so I think he was already back down on target and just not used to the butter trigger. He normally shoots an M&P 9mm.. so I'm thinking it was just him being askeerd of the .40 round and over anticipating.

Has anyone had or heard of an unintentional double tap??