When I was in High School I wouldn't ride in a bug. My grandfather a body and fender man hated them, said they didn't have any power and held up traffic. I drank his kool aid, really respected him.
But he was wrong. After High School I had a friend who was a VW mechanic and I probably owned 4 or 5 bugs.

Fastest car I ever owned was a bug. Had a 4 barrel Holly on one but found it ran it's best with two two barrel Webers.
Drove it on the street, but took it to a Bug in at our semi local drag strip, nothing but VW's. Turned in the 12's.
Lot of jaws hit the pavement when that thing left the line, we put my engine in a pretty ratty looking bug but boy did it move.

I'd probably have one now if I could figure a way to shift the thing.