Quote Originally Posted by kwh View Post
CM 9 is the best out there for pocket carry. CW9 is too big.
I have pocket carried a CM9 for years every day. Leather, DeSantis MK, and Kydex holsters. All are good.
The .380 is too small, and my CW9 is belt carried.
When I will spend a lot of time sitting,l I carry my CM9 in an Telor ankle holster. I can wear it all day, walk a mile or more, and am quite comfortable.
If you have big enough pockets, the CM9 is a very attractive little pistol... I think it would make a great IWB firearm as well and would trade my CW9 for one if I had the chance.

For me, the CM9 is still too big for pocket carry and the CW380 is perfect for me in that regard... I also have a Blackhawk ankle-holster for the 380 because I find the calf-strap to be required for proper ankle carry.