An amazing patriotic man and president. It's unrealistic to think or expect every POTUS will be perfectly aligned with you, but you can expect patriotism and greatness. Few or no Presidents came into office with his experience and accomplished what he did or participated in. He was an exceptional man and leader. Period.

RIP. One of the great Presidents IMO. His career was remarkable.

* Navy war pilot shot down, joined the service at 18, turning down a Yale scholarship. Was the youngest Navy pilot in history. Shot down over Japan territory in WWII.
* Head of CIA
* Vice POTUS 8 years, and stood in during one of the few assassination attempts on a POTUS (And being VP to Reagan - who was maybe top 5 or 10 POTUS in US history, is remarkable). VP during winning the cold war and defeating communism!
* POTUS for a term. Oversaw an amazing fast and successful victory over Saddam Hussein who had one of the biggest militaries at the time. Didn't go on to mission creep; took the 100 hour war victory and low casualty rate. An example of fast and decisive victory.
* Had a very high approval rating, and yet the only 1 term POTUS since Carter. Should have won a 2nd term, but Perot was a spoiler. Imagine how much better the world would be if Bill Clinton (and Hillary) were just a footnote in history instead, like Mondale or Dukakus if he had lost. Instead, Perot gave us Clinton (Clinton never won the popular vote, it should be noted for Dems to remember).
* Father/son POTUS - son Bush went on to serve two terms as POTUS.
* Other son Jeb had a successful career in politics.

What an incredible life and family. He was either VP, POTUS, or his son was POTUS for 20 out of 28 years!

He was not a perfect man, and people can debate his imperfections and policies like gun control on military bases, or alleged globalism, etc. But overall the nation did well under GHW Bush. He was among the best Presidents in the last 100 years for sure.

God rest his soul.