I'm a big Hornady guy. I love their ever-changing ballistics research and production. I feel that I can trust, that Hornady is on the leading edge of advanced scientific research, and if I have their best ammo, I have the best mankind has to offer.

I'm taking opposing and supporting opinions in this thread for 2 things.
1) Pro Hornady and why? OR Why aren't you? (and make these reasons good, because Hornady gives solid evidence as to their reliable penetration, reliability, and overall terminal ballistic performance in ballistic jells with all sorts of barriers in front of them.)

2) For those that are Pro Hornady, they are currently offering 3 types of handgun personal defense ammunition, including a new release.
TAP FPD - http://www.hornady.com/store/9mm-Luger-147-HP-XTP-FPD/
Critical Defense - http://www.hornady.com/store/9mm-Lug...tical-Defense/
and the new Critical Duty - http://www.hornady.com/store/9MM-135...Critical-DUTY/
What are your takes on these different loads? I can't find any research that can tell me the difference between these loads.