View Full Version : T Series Pistols

  1. First post
  2. just checking in
  3. Slide will not lock back
  4. Any interested in a T-45?
  5. T Series picture thread
  6. T-9 mag base= why?
  7. T9 slide racking difficulty comparison to K9 and PM9
  8. T9 trigger not showing is it an issue?
  9. Possible future alternative to wood grips...
  10. Common Mag springs
  11. T series holsters
  12. Finding a T9
  13. What years were T9s made?
  14. Should Kahr make a limited run of T-45's
  15. A T9 heads up on Gunbroker
  16. T9
  17. Kahr T-9 Review and endurance test
  18. Wolff doesn't make springs for the T series?
  19. T40 ruining case at eject
  20. rear sight screw size?
  21. anyone have a checkered frontstrap?
  22. how can i sand the wood grips down a bit ?
  23. T9 or K9 Elite?
  24. found a holster maker for the T9 !
  25. ha.. my rear sight flew off?!
  26. New TP45
  27. T9 grip screws
  28. T40 slide release not long enough to catch mag follower on lock back
  29. T9 mag question....
  30. Disappointing T9 discovery....
  31. T9 on the range
  32. T9 back from Robar w/pics
  33. T9 with Agrip?
  34. T9 flat mag plate
  35. new T9 arriving at dealer tomorrow
  36. She's mine at last!
  37. T9 range report
  38. Does This Look Like A Good Deal?
  39. Deforming Hollowpoints?
  40. malfunctioning T9 update
  41. Kirkpatrick Leather Compact Undercover T9
  42. MMC sight
  43. Newbie with new T40 report
  44. T9 and Novak sights
  45. New T9 - first impressions
  46. T9 on the block
  47. New holster for T40
  48. My "new" T9
  49. T9 VS XD and M&P
  50. New guy with a "new" T9
  51. Ordered a T9
  52. Bedair SS Guide Rod for T9
  53. T9 on order
  54. grips for t9?
  55. T9 Slide release
  56. t9 vs p9 vs K9 recoil - big or small difference?
  57. Just Ordered my T9
  58. T9 for the wife?
  59. T9 Holsters
  60. The distributor only had ONE
  61. New T9 range report, 200 rounds of smiling
  62. T40
  63. Range report -- T9 & NEW T40
  64. trigger ?
  65. The elusive T40
  66. T9 Sharp Bottom Edge on Trigger Guard
  67. New guy, new T9, review, saga, photos (detailed)
  68. T9 back from smith***UPDATED PICS***
  69. Cut slide
  70. MMC night sights
  71. CT Laser Grips for T-9/T-40?
  72. T9 question
  73. Laserlyte
  74. New T9 today
  75. T9 for IDPA
  76. I love my T-9. But...
  77. Beautiful new T9 just arrived!!
  78. Demo Kahr
  79. Kahr sight picture
  80. T40 Failing to lock up
  81. Custom T9 on GB...
  82. T9 Rattle?
  83. T40 slide on T9 frame...UPDATE DONE
  84. confession time
  85. T40 arrives
  86. Heinie Sights for Kaht T9 (or K9/ mk9)
  87. Bought a used TP 45 today
  88. T40 has a little brother
  89. T9
  90. New T9/T40 Available
  91. Like a kid at Christmas eve
  92. T9 and hollow point bullets jamming
  93. Good Price on a T9?
  94. T9 / T40 Holster Options
  95. Popularity of the T9?
  96. Kahr T9: initial impressions
  97. Help me Here...Did KAHR Ever Sell a Shorter Grip Framed TP9 in the Past?
  98. Kahr T9 - In the beginning...
  99. Kahr T9 - 300 rounds later... and the issue that started from the first empty mag
  100. The T9: Full Video Review
  101. My new Kahr T9...I like it a lot
  102. Marks on ejection port cover?
  103. Stainless guide rod for T9??
  104. T9 available at Grab a Gun
  105. My T9 Is On The Way
  106. Just received my T9, my first firearm ever
  107. New T9... mag springs so tight...
  108. New T9 has serial number 1536
  109. My one and only...
  110. Slide not locking back.
  111. kahrs
  112. First kahr purchase. T9
  113. Blue Bloods Gun
  114. Just a quick bump to this forum
  115. Kahr T9s do not depreciate
  116. T9 Target Model Shoots 4" High
  117. Incredible Deals on New T40 Pistols
  118. My T40
  119. New-to-me "2004" Kahr T9
  120. New for 2018 - Kahr T9 Elite 18 , anyone else see this?
  121. T9 Novak sight question....
  122. New to me 2003 Kahr T9
  123. I found a holster for my T9
  124. Flat magazine base pads
  125. Range time with the T9 yesterday
  126. T9 accuracy----the 'T' stands for target---and my Glock 17L
  127. Today was "target pistol" day
  128. Brass in firing pin channel
  129. T9 Barrel and Size
  130. T9 Price Tag
  131. T9 vs T9 Elite difference
  132. Kahr T40 opinions?
  133. The Kahr T9 -- Again!
  134. New T40 impressions and question
  135. T9 in Cleveland on AL
  136. Standard T9 or Elite?
  137. G-10. Micarta. Any other grips out there?
  138. New Owner With Time Sensitive Reliability Issues
  139. Are T series pistols out of production?
  140. T9's -- Anybody see these things in the wild?
  141. Kahr T9 and Federal 9BP +P+
  142. Please help me identify my new to me T9
  143. New to me T9
  144. Got My 2nd T9 Today
  145. Checkered SS Guide Rod for T9
  146. My beloved T9 had a hiccup today
  147. Beautiful T9 Currently Listed For Sale
  148. Am I the only one who just noticed this?
  149. T9, Mag Base Modification