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Show Groups

  1. Moderators

    1. Location
      Wet & Wild Pacific NW


      1. Forums:
      2. Auto-Ordnance Sub-forums,
      3. General Discussion,
      4. Kahr Firearms Sub-Forums,
      5. Magnum Research Sub-forums,
      6. Marketplace,
      7. Military,
      8. RKBA Discussion,
      9. Use and Carry Sub-forums,
      10. Vendors, Clubs, and Organizations
    2. ChoateMachineTool

      1. Forums:
      2. Choate Matchine & Tool
    3. Location


      1. Forums:
      2. Ammunition,
      3. CCW, Tactics, and Training,
      4. Competition,
      5. Holsters and Gear,
      6. Kahr-Tech,
      7. Kahr Firearms Sub-Forums,
      8. Law Enforcement,
      9. Lobby,
      10. Marketplace,
      11. Use and Carry Sub-forums
    4. Location
      Near the Gila Mountains in SW AZ.


      1. Forums:
      2. Kahr Firearms Sub-Forums,
      3. Lobby,
      4. Magnum Research Sub-forums,
      5. Marketplace,
      6. Military,
      7. Vendors, Clubs, and Organizations
    5. Location


      1. Forums:
      2. Auto-Ordnance Sub-forums,
      3. Kahr Firearms Sub-Forums,
      4. Lobby,
      5. Marketplace,
      6. Use and Carry Sub-forums,
      7. Vendors, Clubs, and Organizations
    6. Location


      1. Forums:
      2. Auto-Ordnance Firearms for Sale,
      3. Auto-Ordnance Sub-forums,
      4. CCW, Tactics, and Training,
      5. General Discussion,
      6. Kahr Firearms for Sale,
      7. Kahr Firearms Sub-Forums,
      8. Lobby,
      9. Marketplace,
      10. Non-firearms for Sale,
      11. Non-Kahr/AO Firearms for Sale,
      12. Technical Support,
      13. Use and Carry Sub-forums,
      14. Vendors, Clubs, and Organizations
    7. Kent Shopley

      1. Forums:
      2. Kahrshop.com
    8. Location
      Denver, CO

      The Hustler

      1. Forums:
      2. American Zoot Shooters Association
    9. tommygunshop

      1. Forums:
      2. A/O-Tech,
      3. Tommygunshop.com
    10. Webster Shopley

      1. Forums:
      2. Auto-Ordnance Firearms for Sale,
      3. Auto-Ordnance Sub-forums,
      4. General Discussion,
      5. Kahr-Tech,
      6. Kahr Firearms for Sale,
      7. Kahrshop.com,
      8. KahrTalk News,
      9. K Series Pistols,
      10. MK Series Pistols,
      11. Non-firearms for Sale,
      12. P, S, and CW Series Pistols,
      13. PM and CM Series Pistols,
      14. Tommygunshop.com,
      15. TP, ST, and CT Series Pistols,
      16. T Series Pistols,
      17. Use and Carry Sub-forums
  1. Administrators

    1. admin

    2. john

    3. Location


    4. Location


    5. URLJet

  2. Super Moderators

    1. Location
      Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    2. Location
      Near the Gila Mountains in SW AZ.


    3. Location


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