Just jumped into the world of Kahrs. Have a G19 and like so many others, don't want my wardrobe to revolve around my carry and the PM9 was perfect. Got it; shot it; love it. BUT…
It shoots low. Always. I chalked it up to new gun to me [it was lightly used, been to Kahr for ramp polish & tune]. Never had a single hiccup at all with it. LOVE that!. But after shooting low all day (the only gun that performs like that for me) … I examined it with dryfire.
Sure enough, just as sear releases striker, the front sight drops 1/64" or so. I bench rested it (dryfire) and noticed from the side that the ENTIRE SLIDE bumps down on sear release. Barrel, sight, slide, guide, everything. I can see that wee space between frame & slide visibie from the side -- I can see that gap "boing" shut on release of striker. Rack the slide, and I can manually squeeze the front of the slide/barrel/etc down a wee bit to the frame. And if I do this before pulling the trigger… the front sight stays solid since I've taken up that slack. In fact, I can hear & feel a light bump when I squeeze slide firmly down on rails/frame. Sure, that'll solve it for one shot on the range, but hardly seems normal.
But since this is my first Kahr and Kahr is not as common as … others… it's not easy to find a comparison in hand. And my normal gunsmith worships at the shrine of Glock (hey, I have a Glock too, but don't want the lecture that every other Mfg. is inferior).
Any wisdom? Experience? Is this normal? This wee bit of barrel drop on trigger/sear release amounts to real life lowish shots at range.
Otherwise, it's everything I'd want a CCW to be. First, but probably not last Kahr.