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Thread: CW45 (and other poly Kahr pistols): issues and fixes

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Near the Gila Mountains in SW AZ.


    45 won't eject live round:

    Photoby rjkammer from this thread:

    The barrel hood may not be cut for clearance (Blue arrow points to clearance cut):

    Some guns may have the cut, but it may provide enough clearance as done:

    Same issue in a CM45:
    [<a href= target=_blank></a>

  2. #82
    Join Date
    May 2016


    Very good pictures and explanations. Did you consider the bullet in the Nossler handloads was not seated deep enough? I don't know the seating depth, but you can clearly see (on the excellent photo) that it not seated nearly as deep as the bullet in the Federal HydoShock. Also, the handload appears to be longer.

    Unless the photo is somehow visually misleading, both conditions exist. In any case, both conditions should be considered.

    I like the idea ofpurchasing a chamber reamer and eliminating problems, but that chamber should have been cut correctly at the factory. In any case, it's their job, and it should be done at their cost.

    I am the disillusioned owner of a CW45 that has been back to the factory twice, and it got worse after the repairs! First time they ignored the problem failure to eject the brass. The repaired ticket said: failure to eject live rounds (duh). They replaced the barrel and polished small parts w/o improvement. Second time: still the same problem: failure to eject the brass (I sent a sample both times). The repair ticket said failure to feed (duh!!). They replaced the slide requiring me to pay a $50 transfer fee because the serial number is on the frame. Guess what? Now it has failure to feed as well. I just received a third barrel (which I have to fit, myself).

    My barrels have the same freebore/lead problem (short lead on the right side). I believe, too, that Kahr is cutting chamber diameters too close the minimum tolerance, and far too many are escaping even below that minimum. In every conversation, whether spoken or written, I have made the claim that the chamber dia. is below SAAMI standards and should be at least 0.002" larger, which is less than the SAAMI max. and nice for a carry gun (not loose and especially not tight). They have completely ignored my claim, and did many things that corrected nothing, and they created new problems, as well.

    If break-in period matters, I've put approx. 450 rounds thru it. They last time out it failed to feed the 5th of a 6 round mag. The next full mag. it failed to feed the 2nd round. (end of patience)

    I am awaiting a phone call for details/advice about fitting the barrel, most disappointed, and just about ready to torch it in half so that it will never be in the hands of somebody whose life depends on it! Additionally, I've spent enough in ammo and the transfer fee to buy another one. On second thought, I think this is my last.
    6-7-16 JEH
    Last edited by JEH; 06-07-2016 at 08:25 PM. Reason: add spces, addition to the end

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    New Mexico


    I understand your frustration. I also had a problem with a CW45 but it was a few years back. I finally gave up and sold the gun back to dealer. After switching to Glock I found out that they were to thick for me to shoot accurately except for the G43 which is a single stack. I recently purchased a CT9 and then A CT45. It is my belief that with a longer barrel comes less problems. Both pistols have performed flawlessly and still are not to big for CCW. Sometimes you just have to give up and say goodbye. Maybe its time for you to find another solution. Good luck!

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