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Thread: Who can tell me about Kahr 9mm's?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    San Diego

    Question Who can tell me about Kahr 9mm's?

    OK--call me a "gun-nut." While I am waiting to take possession of the p380 I just bought, I am now searching around for a Kahr 9mm. I am a bit overwhelmed at all the different designations there are:cm9; cw9; p9; k9; pm9; T9; Tp9; mk9; pm9, etc etc. My head is starting to spin. I am loking for conceal-carry so that should narrow it down a bit. But still, can someone give me a quick/short overview and steer me to a recommended small 9mm? Thanks!

    Allen R
    San Diego

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Central, FL


    This should be good.

    Start here Kahr Arms

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    for true concealment go with the cm9. For a sweet shooter go with K9.

    Sold all my guns. I dislike firearms.
    NRA Life Member
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    That notch in the rail is supposed to be there

    "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
    --Thomas Jefferson (1764).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    North Texas


    Here is what I've found to explain it all.

    Kahr Model Legend

    TP: Polymer Frame, 3.965"~4.04" Barrel
    KP: Polymer Frame, 3.54"~3.6" Barrel, 2.53" Barrel (.380 ACP Models)
    PM: Polymer Frame, 3.1"~3.24" Barrel
    KT: Steel Frame, 3.965"~4.0" Barrel
    K: Steel Frame, 3.465"~3.5" Barrel
    M: Steel Frame, 3.0"~3.1" Barrel
    CW: Concealed Weapon, Polymer Frame, 3.565"~3.64" Barrel
    CM: Concealed Weapon, Polymer Frame, 3.0"~3.1" Barrel

    1st Three Numbers
    454: .45 ACP
    414: .40 S&W (with External Safety & LCI)
    404: .40 S&W
    919: 9mm (with External Safety & LCI)
    909: 9mm
    383: .380 ACP
    3823: .380 ACP (with LCI)

    4th Number
    0: Carbon Steel, Black Oxide*
    1: Carbon Steel, Nickel Finish*
    2: Carbon Steel, Black T Finish*
    3: Matte Stainless Steel
    4: Blackened Stainless Steel
    6: Polished Stainless Steel, Elite98*
    8: Polished Stainless Steel, Elite2003
    * Discontinued

    Letters at end
    L: Crimson Trace Laser Sight
    N: Tritium Night Sights
    NOVAK: Novak Low Profile Tritium Night Sights
    TP: Polymer Frame, 3.965"~4.04" Barrel
    KP: Polymer Frame, 3.54"~3.6" Barrel, 2.53" Barrel (.380 ACP Models)
    PM: Polymer Frame, 3.1"~3.24" Barrel
    KT: Steel Frame, 3.965"~4.0" Barrel
    K: Steel Frame, 3.465"~3.5" Barrel
    M: Steel Frame, 3.0"~3.1" Barrel
    CW: Concealed Weapon, Polymer Frame, 3.565"~3.64" Barrel
    CM: Concealed Weapon, Polymer Frame, 3.0"~3.1" Barrel

    1st Three Numbers
    454: .45 ACP
    414: .40 S&W (with External Safety & LCI)
    404: .40 S&W
    919: 9mm (with External Safety & LCI)
    909: 9mm
    383: .380 ACP
    3823: .380 ACP (with LCI)

    4th Number
    0: Carbon Steel, Black Oxide*
    1: Carbon Steel, Nickel Finish*
    2: Carbon Steel, Black T Finish*
    3: Matte Stainless Steel
    4: Blackened Stainless Steel
    6: Polished Stainless Steel, Elite98*
    8: Polished Stainless Steel, Elite2003
    * Discontinued

    Letters at end
    L: Crimson Trace Laser Sight
    N: Tritium Night Sights
    NOVAK: Novak Low Profile Tritium Night Sights

    I have a P380 and you"ll love it. Kahr triggers are the best and it's (almost) the only 380 with really good sights.
    I was once asked if I was "a paranoid for carrying my Kahr".
    "Nope" I said, "just prepared".
    " prepared for what" he asked?
    "more stuff than you are"
    God Bless our Troups!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    deeply embedded in Florida swampland


    Quote Originally Posted by manalive View Post
    OK--call me a "gun-nut." While I am waiting to take possession of the p380 I just bought, I am now searching around for a Kahr 9mm. I am a bit overwhelmed at all the different designations there are:cm9; cw9; p9; k9; pm9; T9; Tp9; mk9; pm9, etc etc. My head is starting to spin. I am loking for conceal-carry so that should narrow it down a bit. But still, can someone give me a quick/short overview and steer me to a recommended small 9mm? Thanks!

    Allen R
    San Diego
    Just get a PM9 if you like 9mm.

    Silver, black, with/without night sights.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    North Carolina


    Quote Originally Posted by manalive View Post
    OK--call me a "gun-nut." While I am waiting to take possession of the p380 I just bought, I am now searching around for a Kahr 9mm. I am a bit overwhelmed at all the different designations there are:cm9; cw9; p9; k9; pm9; T9; Tp9; mk9; pm9, etc etc. My head is starting to spin. I am loking for conceal-carry so that should narrow it down a bit. But still, can someone give me a quick/short overview and steer me to a recommended small 9mm? Thanks!

    Allen R
    San Diego
    The P/CW are the same size, with the CW being a more economical version. The PM/CM are smaller and easier to conceal with the CM having a lower price. Although all Kahrs can be conceal carried, the T/TP9 models are the largest Kahrs and I would consider them target models.
    Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.
    C. S. Lewis

    They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
    Benjamin Franklin

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Bowling Green, Virginia


    I think of the Kahrs this way... small, medium and large.

    Small has a 3" barrel, a 6 round long length grip.
    Medium has an extra 1/2" added to the barrel and a 7 round long grip.
    Large has yet another 1/2" longer barrel, total of 4", and yet another round in the magazine for a total of 8.

    There are lots of variables and models involved, but they all revolve around this concept. If I carried a Kahr it would be a medium, (K, P, CW, E). My favorite is the large, (T or TP). Many people prefer the small, MK, PM or CM because they hide easier or may be pocket carried. The choice is yours.
    Last edited by ripley16; 12-24-2012 at 08:53 AM.
    Judging by today's left wing, looks like Senator Joe McCarthy was right after all.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by manalive View Post
    ...steer me to a recommended small 9mm?
    I've carried a PM9 as an off duty / backup pistol for just over ten years. In my opinion it was and still is the finest pocket nine available. It has proven itself to be flawless in function and performance since day one. The size gives me the diversity to carry on the hip, in the pocket, IWB or in an ankle holster. At around 1.25 pounds fully loaded with Speer Gold Dot 124 grain +P rounds it is definitely a self defense force to be reckoned with.

    The CM9 is the econo version of the PM9, but still a fine pistol. As JimC posted, check out the Kahr web site for a wealth of information on all of their pistols.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    I never knew that the C in the CM model meant Concealed. I was guessing that the C meant costs less or cheaper. I stand corrected. My recommendation is the mk9 probably because I have one and prefer metal frames to plastic.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Fort Mill, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by kerby9mm View Post
    I never knew that the C in the CM model meant Concealed. I was guessing that the C meant costs less or cheaper. I stand corrected.
    I always thought they should have switched the pm and cm model names so you could have the Poor Mans, and the Cost More model but they got it backwards so maybe we could go with Pricey Model and Cheap Model lol

    Anyways... I LOVE my cm9, GREAT carry gun, but still a blast for me at the range. Added bonus is not a lot of people enjoy shooting it (especially new shooters) so I get to do most of the shooting of my gun. If you want as small as you can get in 9mm, the pm/cm is for you. If you want easily concealed but still full grip and "easier" to shoot, then try out the cw. If you want all metal, try out the mk or k models.
    NRA Life Member

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    -Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

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