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Thread: Inside of 8 round magazine

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    northeast pa

    Default Inside of 8 round magazine

    Have you ever wondered whats going on inside the magazine well I have so I built a jig with the same inside dimensions of a 9mm mag.Now you can see how things work or not work.You will see how compressed the spring really is.This is done all from 8 round magazines I believe my combination of the mod follower and 6 round spring is the best of both worlds,the 8 round spring had to much tension on it.Sorry about the one picture out of focus but what I trying to show there is the ears that come down have a large edge,what I did was to put a 45 on the inside edge both front and back, I saw that edge getting hung up on the spring.And with the lighter spring doesn't to nose dive as hard.I have tested this at the range with cor bon 115 jhp they have fairly wide mouth on them.It worked great and you can sling shot the slide with no trouble.I also did a extreme ramp on the follower.This mag setup works real sweet
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    N.E. Ohio


    The first picture shows the rim of the first cartridge in the extraction groove of second cartridge. I can see where this could be the reason for many of the nose dive jambs. Good job.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Very good demonstration. Now I see in the top stock model why the top round pulls the second round out of the mag some when loading the first round. The case back edge is nested into the 2nd one's grove and drags it out because of the tight spring pressure.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    northeast pa


    I'm telling you guys the lighter spring is the ace in the hole

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Muggsy you hit the nail on the head!
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    northeast pa


    I forgot to mention this is my favorite way to carry a 8 round mag
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Where did you get the spacer for the 8 rounder? Another poster on an MK9 post was inquiring about one.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    northeast pa


    I have been making my own grip extensions,I really wanted one but for the 8 round mag but no one made them.Here's one I did in walnut
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Outstanding analysis Harry. Great job on making up the jig so people can now see what's going on in the mag tube and what parameters actually change when you mod the follower. The nay sayers will have a tough time arguing against a follower mod after seeing your jig setup.

    As Muggsy said, the unmodified stock follower leaves the first round hung up on the second. The follower mod fixes that and brings the nose of the second round up to support the first round to prevent a nose dive.........two issues solved.

    The follower mod allows the ammo to feed smoothly from day one of ownership without beating the crap out of your gun by slamming rounds into the base of the ramp, possibly damaging followers, and causing unnecessary wear and tear. And, it allows you to "tap, rack, and shoot" in a tactical/defensive situation in the event of a malfunction.

    Just a note that on the 6 round mag you don't have to come down as far in the back but the front is the same as shown on your mod. Harry, instead of hand sanding these followers, you should make up a jig to allow them to be machined. It would be quicker, more precise, and you could probably sell a truck load here and elsewhere.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    northeast pa


    Yes i know Jim but I carry the 8 round the cold months of the year as you can wear heavier clothes.I found in doing this test there is no way you can make a 8 round mag support the top round fully loaded but it does work well.With that said I beleave with a lighter spring it makes things work alot better.Looking at the spring from 8 round 1911 spring next to the kahr 8 round spring it was alot longer.I don't think all that pressure is required ,I agree a 6 round does not need that severe cut 8 does now also remembr I said I put a 45 degree cut on the inside of the legs the spring was binding up on that,like I always say I just look at things a little different,sometimes right some times wrong but you need to push your self to under stand.I'm glad I got your approval on this, I took from you and built on it.I have been working on extended mag grips for awhile and like to sell some but till I can prove to everyone that 8 round will work I have nothing, I did post in the past about this, I will repost some pictures from before.As I said in my previous post I do not take all the credit the ones that came in front of me just got me started
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