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Thread: MK9 Elite 98 Do they really exist?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default MK9 Elite 98 Do they really exist?

    After seeing a photo of a MK9 with wood grips in the PM9 Forum, I have developed a severe lust for one. Most that I read about seem to be MK9 Elite 03's. I have found a MK9 Elite 98 advertized, but I don't know if that is for real or a scam.

    Could someone around here provide me a little bit of info as to if the Elite 98 exists, and if YES, is it of the 03 quality or something to avoid.

    Thank you for your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    yup model 9098 $900+ bucks. It outta be a winner, u can pull it up on the kahr fourm for compelte details. It doe snot come with wood grips so the owner has had to purchase them from kahr also..
    . My PM9 has over 40,000+ rounds through it, and runs much better than an illegal trying to get across our border



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Isn't that the one that the new wood grips do not fit? It is an older model before the 03. (I think)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Ikeo74 View Post
    Isn't that the one that the new wood grips do not fit? It is an older model before the 03. (I think)
    I read a thread about that, but it didn't mention the Elite 98 by name.
    Quote Originally Posted by texiandave View Post

    Kahr Model Legend

    TP: Polymer Frame, 3.965"~4.04" Barrel
    KP: Polymer Frame, 3.54"~3.6" Barrel, 2.53" Barrel (.380 ACP Models)
    PM: Polymer Frame, 3.1"~3.24" Barrel
    KT: Steel Frame, 3.965"~4.0" Barrel
    K: Steel Frame, 3.465"~3.5" Barrel
    M: Steel Frame, 3.0"~3.1" Barrel
    CW: Concealed Weapon, Polymer Frame, 3.565"~3.64" Barrel, 2.58" Barrel (.380 ACP Models)
    CM: Concealed Weapon, Polymer Frame, 3.0"~3.1" Barrel

    1st Three Numbers
    454: .45 ACP
    414: .40 S&W (with External Safety & LCI)
    404: .40 S&W
    919: 9mm (with External Safety & LCI)
    909: 9mm
    383: .380 ACP
    3823: .380 ACP (with LCI) 4th Number
    0: Carbon Steel, Black Oxide*
    1: Carbon Steel, Nickel Finish*
    2: Carbon Steel, Black T Finish*
    3: Matte Stainless Steel
    4: Blackened Stainless Steel
    6: Polished Stainless Steel, Elite98*
    8: Polished Stainless Steel, Elite2003
    * Discontinued

    Letters at end
    L: Crimson Trace® Laser Sight
    N: Tritium Night Sights
    NOVAK: Novak® Low Profile Tritium Night Sights
    So the Elite 98 exists but is discontunued. Any owners know the specific differences? Should I hold out for an 03?

  5. #5


    I have the Elite 03 and when I called Kahr with a question I asked what changed between the 98 and the 03 and Ian said the main change was something inside with the trigger. Didnt say what the change was.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Thanks Bootlegger! That's exactly what I was looking for.

    The Elite 98 has the square muzzled slide like jocko's PMJ9. Does your 03 have the square muzzled slide or the bevel muzzled slide like the current PM9s?

  7. #7


    I will be home around 8-9am will take pictures and post them.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default don't

    Quote Originally Posted by krazman View Post
    Thanks Bootlegger! That's exactly what I was looking for.

    The Elite 98 has the square muzzled slide like jocko's PMJ9. Does your 03 have the square muzzled slide or the bevel muzzled slide like the current PM9s?
    trust any of the phoots u see on the kahr webb site as being what ur gonna get. It might show the blunt ose version but that is no certaintly that it willbe that. They do not make the blunt nose anymore, now not to say they don't havbe a big inventory of the MK elites stillin stock with the blunt nose, My point is be prepared to accept bothg ways. The blunt nose version IMO would be a super peace, but also IMO both MK elites models are to heavy for pocket carry.

    It is alittle confusing for when u look at kahrs site and find the MK9 elite it is called the elite 98 with no reference to any model year, so I am thinkin maybe the elite98 today is not an old model either.

    afterlooking at the kahr codes. it lookslike there aretwo different MK elites and quite possably the difference is the blunt nose ovber the beveled slide. I seriously doubt if there is one bit of change internally. The MK never had the NYPD triggerin them, so I am sayin the MKelite 98 and MK elite 03 have exactly the same internals, trigger and all..
    . My PM9 has over 40,000+ rounds through it, and runs much better than an illegal trying to get across our border



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    I am not sure about that. I have read of the Kahr Web Site that the Elite 03 has a "new lighter trigger" over the Elite 98. It have been a while since reading that however.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    and u might be right. It would have to be the striker spring which in any kahr model one can dropin the 5# spring. . as u know my opinions are very subject to being "wrong" to.. I never heard of kahr having more than two different triggers: one was the NYPD trigger which was only in the K series and the rest all had the standard 6.5+3 trigger in them.
    . My PM9 has over 40,000+ rounds through it, and runs much better than an illegal trying to get across our border



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