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Patricia has graciously acceded to place a sticky on this thread so that Kahr owners (and prospective owners) will have a place to check serial number history and any product service information (such as the limited July 2004 PM9 barrel recall/refinish).
I’m going to start this with 3 posts, the first for Kahr model information and any SN-related bulletins, the other two for 9mm and 40 S&W serial numbers respectively. Following this, users can post their individual Kahr SN’s. I’m going to attempt to keep this a bit cleaner than the Gen’l Glocking project (hats off to that 10mm guy, ‘cause that’s a handful). As I’m able to update the overall listing from individual posts, Patricia will assist me in removing them. Less for you to scroll through in determing whether a given SN-range has been posted or not.
It is extremely valuable if you know or can use the date on the case-collection envelope, often called the “born-on” date. If you don’t know the born-on date, please say “date unknown” – if someone comes along later who does know it, then I’ll update that SN’s information. When posting, please post in the following format as it will simply save the amount of time I spend in cutting, pasting & collating, leaving more time for shooting: ^c
1st 4 characters of SN – Model – born-on date (or “date unknown”). The first 4 are needed because production can be split within less than a thousand from month to month.
For example:
YC01xx - P9 Covert – Feb 2002
A Word about SN Sequencing
Following my query to Dottie Herold at Kahr, she advises there can be several reasons why SN's may sometimes be out of sequence. The first is the obvious situation where dealers sometimes don't rotate their guns (or orders) on a FIFO basis, for a variety of reasons. This would cause a gun to come into the public domain seemingly out of sequence. The case-collection date is the best indicator.
The other is that, as Kahr runs a monthly quantity with a SN group being applied to one model or another, there could be a situation where a gun or guns don't pass one of their "audit gates" and are held back as a production repair. It is certain to be sold "out of sequence." Great procedure for us (the production checks), bad for applying logic to SN sequences. Bottom line is that the case-collection date is still the best "born-on" date; if the gun was pulled back for a quality check/repair before hitting the street that's great. The main purpose of the thread being to track age & service info, non-sequential SN's are a curiosity only, as long as the age/status of the gun can be established with whatever SN it carries. If anyone has any further definitive info to pass along on this issue, please PM me so that I can keep the straighest info available. Shoot safely & enjoy.
Note: As Covert models are not marked as such on the slide, please include that info in the post if it is. Official model designations and photos can be found at the following links:
9mm Kahrs here
40 S&W Kahrs here
I will attempt to post ONLY verified product service information relating to mods, recalls, etc. Word of mouth, rumor, conjecture, etc., will not get it done. Dottie Herold, Opns Mgr at Kahr (508-795-3919, Ext. 331), has always promptly answered my emails. I suspect that polite/civil emails & phone calls yield similar responses.
"Over-enthusiastic" Mag Release: For those who find that the standard magazine release anticipates their needs too well, or is too-easily bumped under recoil, there is an updated mag release available from Kahr, at no charge. Contact them with your SN to ascertain applicability. Thread with contacts & relevant info is here.
PM9 Barrel Recall: Kahr has posted information regarding a specific range of PM9 barrels to be recalled and have some finish machining done. The specifics as to whether your barrel requires service should be gotten by contacting Kahr.
Models involved: PM9093A, PM9093NA, PM9094A, PM9094NA
Serial number ranges: VA0003 -- VA9999, VB0004 -- VB0999
(FWIW, as of 16 August, turnaround for a barrel "appears" to be running around 7-9 calendar days. YMMV as the recall proceeds & more barrels are received for machining. - wig19)
Detail Strip Instructions: Many thanks to Michigun (who proves he really was awake in Expository Writing-101) for creating & blending a very good series of pictures (including one clearly showing all the Kahr lubrication points) into a set of instructions for detail stripping the upper. If Mrs. Michigun can do it, you can too, so get out those Dremels, felt pads, etc., and finish up the polish job you put off. Relevant thread here.
Design Info:....for those curious how the Kahr's trigger & design works, this.