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Thread: uh-oh now i'm hooked, first IDPA match

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    NE Ohio


    Yeah, I'm hooked on clays too. Just like anything, you can get carried away on equipment. Each discipline prefers a special gun. I shoot trap with an O/U skeet gun and do okay. I agree with jocko...the day I get too serious....

    For now I'll follow CSN's advice: "love the one you're with".

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Upstate NY - (nothing like NYC). In remote country with thousands of acres of hunting.


    Quote Originally Posted by b4uqzme View Post
    Shot my first IDPA match today. I am hooked too. It was a BUG match. You had to shoot around a car door - holding a baby, then seated across a poker table, plus six other defensive scenarios. It was a blast. Thanks chrish for getting me off my but. One more week and I would have missed the whole season. Oh, by the way. I brought the right gun, mags, ammo, holster, etc. Helps to pack your bag the night before.
    I don't consider it so much as competition as I do training for gun handling skills. Great practice. Should be standard training for LEO's. Lots of fun...I totally agree. It can turn into a competitive deal very hang in there and keep going AND remember to pack your bag, haha..
    My Sword - PM4044N/CTL/Talons
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    - "Train in technique until it requires no thought - no mind and just happens." Takan Soho
    - "The truth beyond the technique....Here's where we stop thinking and start shooting." Brian Enos
    - "A single sword against the cold sky." Yamaoka Tesshu
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    Taisen Deshimaru
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  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrish View Post
    Been thinking about going to shoot trap/skeet/sporting-clays, but have yet to do it. Afraid I'd be hooked on that then too. Buddy recently went for the first time and he had a blast shooting sporting clays. Been looking at one of those new 'rebadged' Akkar CZ shotguns, the 612. It's an 18.5" SD shotgun for around $275 that you can get a longer field barrel as well (24" maybe). Pump. Cheap. Figured I'd have a SD shotgun on the cheap even if I never went and tried sporting clays.

    After all this talk, looking forward to getting back to an IDPA match now. Maybe I will have to go shoot in the dark...
    sporting lays are getting to rich for my blood anymore. I can shoot a round of skeet at our old club for $3.50 andenjoy the comradrie of the shooters with me, unlike trap which is more personal. Been shooting skeet off and on for 25 years, never yet bustedf 25, close but that is about all. Ishoot with an ol timer a few years back who had a 410 Iver Johnson skeeter and he shoot the entire 25 skeet targetsfrom the hip and never missed. I never ask the fokker to shoot with me again. great guy. Just sayin
    . My PM9 has over 40,000+ rounds through it, and runs much better than an illegal trying to get across our border



  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jul 2016


    I shoot my EDC CM9 in BUG/MM,I use one of my EDC holsters, IWB hybred, made by a fellow shooter, on a 5:11 1.5 dress belt for matches although I also use a Rosen OWB pancake, and a 5:11 fuzzy holster for pocket carry (it sticks to velcro when in the car) stays upright as some of my pants pockets are snug; my carry mag holder is a Leatherman pouch carried horizontally on the belt @9:00 flap to rear, bullets down.

    for matches, I use 4 7rd.(6rd.loaded) extnd. mags, (easier to grab) bullets front, in vertical nylon knife pouches w/cut off'd flaps, the most forward is 9:00, the rearmost is the load & make ready mag; my IWB/OWB are worn @ 4:00 always.
    my IWB is a faster draw then the Rosen which is still pretty stiff yet(former USPSA gamer) I should start using it more to break it in, and pocket holsters are unacceptable for safety reasons in IDPA. hope this will give you some ideas to start from.


  5. #45
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    NE Ohio

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by b4uqzme View Post
    Yeah, I'm hooked on clays too. Just like anything, you can get carried away on equipment. Each discipline prefers a special gun. I shoot trap with an O/U skeet gun and do okay. I agree with jocko...the day I get too serious....

    For now I'll follow CSN's advice: "love the one you're with".
    UPDATE: yeah I lied my a$$ off on that one. I wound up buying/selling a whole basket full of shotguns before I landed on a Beretta O/U that I now use for all clays games. No complaints though. It was fun trying them all out and I bought them all used and was able to recoup most of the investment when I sold them. But YOU CERTAINLY CAN GET CARRIED AWAY. That much is true.

    P.S. I hung onto that neat old O/U Weatherby Orion that I was talking about even though I'll never shoot it for clays. It's just a beauty.

    P.S.S. I still owe gratitude to Chrish for getting me hooked on IDPA. I don't compete. I just show up when I can. Yet the other shooters are very welcoming. It's a great sport. I generally show up with a CZP07 in 40sw, a fobus double mag holder + a spare mag in my cargo pocket (for load and make ready) and a Vedder hybrid OWB slide holster. I don't even know what class I shoot. Just wherever they put me. I shoot BUG with one of the Kahrs.

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