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Thread: Done with Kahr...

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Hey voodoo, That was just the lead singers. The chorus didn't chimed in.
    cm9 and lovin it.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    After OP concern I'm reopening this one, removed a couple of the personal attack unpleasant post.

    Stay civil, stay nice and it shall remain open.

    Any ugliness and we'll close it for good.

    Thank you, have a pleasant evening and a better tomorrow.
    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Awesome AZ!


    Thanks Bawanna! I really didn't come here or start this thread to fight with or offend anyone. I am extremely disappointed that my CW45 isn't all that it could be. And not only that, I do understand that some of their pistols are a labor of love, and that some are great. But they said they'd send me the parts to fix it, and didn't.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    listen up: write Jay at kahr an email and tellhim they were to sen dout a new mag catch ad u have bot gotten it yet. Be nice. someone there just dropped the ball. Ur issue is not a issue wityh kahr either. We have seen this before but it certaihly is not an issue.

    Have u tried a couple of things to test out even. Like slamming the magazine a half dozen times insid ethe mag well to maybe get ride of a burr that could be on that catch. When the magazine is out ofthge gun notice the right side and how the mag catch is flush with the frame itself. Now insert a magazine, it should look the same , if it is kinda stuck inwoard and not flush then it is not seating in the mag well cut ouyt. If it is flush, they try to physically pll the magazine out of the gun. If u can, then again it is the mag catch out of spec. If u cannot puyll the magazine out of the gun, then IMO firng the gun is also not gonna release that magzine and thenI would suggest u try shootng t left handed to see if the magtazine still falls out. It just might not be the mag catch but u need to eliminate qall the possabilites. A new catch , kahr will send to you I have no doubt about that. Ur issues ia a minor issue andeasily fixable, one way or the utter..

    these guys are here to help, so take us lightly sometimes. I am known as the gentle lamb on this forum. Notbecuase I anm gentle but I have a longing for SHEEP. Just sayin
    . My PM9 has over 40,000+ rounds through it, and runs much better than an illegal trying to get across our border



  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    kweezy, can't say I blame you given your experience. on the one hand, shoot the crap out of it, tolerate the finicky behavior, deal with Kahr as best you can...and maybe you'll end up w/ something you are happy with. on the other, life is short and each person has their own level of tolerance and time they are willing to put into any given problem in life.

    I am one of those guys that hasn't had nary a problem out of my Kahrs. 3 different polymer 9mm models, still own two of them. but I would have to say that I'd be of the same mind as you and others that come here, share your experience, and decide it is just not worth it. there is NOTHING wrong with that, NOTHING at all. I for one just wouldn't have the time or inclination or patience to deal with it. it is what it is. if any of my Kahrs has been a PIA out of the box, i'd have thrown in the towel, no question.

    I personally will never understand the 'keep working on it mentality'. I don't begrudge someone taking that path, but they should also not criticize the other path of expecting something to just work or just plain not having time to deal with it. I understand the difference in various gun manufacturers design choices, I understand tight vs loose tolerances, yadda yadda. But I have many many important things to do and shipping a gun back-n-forth for the manufacturer to tinker with it while I'm either in need of it, or worse, have more important things to be doing with my life, then i'm not going to stick w/ the product. I only get to the range once or twice a month if I'm lucky. I only have a few grand invested in firearms, not tens of thousands like some folks. So when I hit the range, I need whatever I grab out of the safe to be ready to roll, flawlessly.

    coming here and sharing your experience HELPS (contrary to what others might believe) other folks that might visit and be of the same personality, similar time/tolerance constraints, similar expectations. nobody with a lick of sense is gonna come here, read your post, or some of mine, and make a decision based on 2 pieces of anecdotal evidence. they'll read everything and then decide.

    I have little patience in life, I'm aware of it, and I'm fine w/ it. I don't get angry or belligerent about it. I just make my decision and move on. But I might well post my experience for the reasons I mentioned above. So good for you and thanks for sharing.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    I must be one of the lucky ones, because I have never had an issue with ANY firearm I have owned. Hang in there, let's see if Kahr makes it right, and if not, then you have a right to be pissed off..................you are dealing with humans you know................

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    I had a few hangups with mine and luckily got them worked out over the 200 rounds suggested. Now I wouldn't think of getting rid of mine. My problems were round hand ups and although easily removed irritating. I must say though if I had to return a new purchase one or two times I would be VERY irritated. I would especially be pissed if the builder didn't do what he said he was going to do. I like to be tolerant but limits are quickly reached. I can't think of one instance on the forum that if the owner followed thru with doing as suggested by forum members which included sending it back to "Jay" that the problem didn't get resolved. But Patience here is the word. Some have it some don't as "chrish" says in post 25.

    Good luck and hope you stick with it.
    cm9 and lovin it.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    NE Ohio


    Life is full of challenges. I prefer to work through mine. But, as chrish says, we are all different.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by kweezy View Post
    I don't know that I'll ever even receive the mag catch. As far being new, I have owned other Kahrs, they were ok, but I got rid of each of them for one reason or another. I've read the manual, cleaned and lubed as directed, and it still drops the magazine while I'm firing. It's not my grip, it's a known problem. I'm not completely turned off to the pistol itself, but it's inability to work, combined with the company's inability to get it fixed for me, makes me not want it.
    You have a valid point, sometimes it just doesn't work out. I've had Kimber Ultra & Pro Carry (that are suppose to be high end) not work properly for one reason or another. Even after taking everyone's advice on there forum I still could not get them to function correctly. Sold them both... Now there full size 45's I have no problem with, weird. Anyhoo I definitely see where you're coming from, hope you're able to have better luck with its replacement.

    Guns are like women, if one doesn't work out go get yourself another!!!

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Southern VA


    I recently purchased a CM9 and have been very pleased with it thus far. I have put 150 flawless rounds through it and I have started carrying it. I just got a spare Kahr magazine in the mail Friday and plan to run the last 50 break in rounds through the CM9 and test the new magazine. This little pistol has been a pleasure to shoot and I feel if it was going to have a malfunction, I'd have seen it by now.

    Having said that, I have a friend who had a heck of a time with a PM40 and never got it right. The pistol was sent to Kahr and still did not function right for him. He gave up on it and wound up trading it off. I know for a fact he did not try try any of the lubing and cleaning tips found here. I figured it could not hurt to follow them and learned a little more about the pistol at the same time. My friend said the other day(while laughing), "maybe I should have tried those directions out."

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