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Thread: New PM9 Problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default New PM9 Problems

    Just purchased my 1st Kahr, PM9 with diamond black slide. I took it to the range and put 125 rounds through without a flaw, then it started ftf and fte every magazine. I thought that maybe it was dirty or I was limp wristing it. Took it home and gave it a good cleaning and went back to the range the next evening with my gunsmith freind. The pistol still ftf and fte several times with both of us shooting. Called Kahr, shipped it back, they reworked the eject port and put in a new ejector spring. Now it cycles great but when I got it home the recoil spring was broken. Called Kahr, and Ian told me I had to ship the spring to them BEFORE they would ship out another, I finally got a hold of another rep and he shipped a new spring to me. I noticed 3 of my magazines had broken followers. ANOTHER call to Kahr and Ian who told me that I would have to ship the pistol back AGAIN and wait 3-5 weeks to have it repaired. Got ahold of another rep and supposed to be sending me new followers. My question is: does anybody know how to get a hold of a person in charge? Has anybody else had this many problems or is mine just a lemon?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Hi GARYP and welcome to Kahrtalk....Your pistol is not a lemon but will need to go back to Kahr again to fix the follower breaking problem....This is a known issue due to the feed ramp being slightly too long and hitting the plastic follower during recoil breaking it....

    The current "plan" seems to be to have Kahr send you a new follower and if that one breaks they want the gun back....Since yours has been back one time already I know it's frustrating but call them back again and explain nicely that it's breaking followers and you need a shipping label to send it back again...Trust me they know the drill....Ian is a pretty nice guy but sometimes seems to come off with an attitude but call him back and explain whats happening and he will help you out....

    Not sure about the recoil spring assembly breaking, thats a new one but write out a work order and explain everything that has happened and send it back....They will trim a little off the bottom of the feed ramp and test fire it....I know it's hard to pay good money for a pistol only to have multiple issues but it happens....When you get it back this time it will be a sweet little shooter......Again welcome to the club and if you have any questions at all just ask away....There are lots of nice folks here willing to help out...Good luck to you

  3. #3
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    Sep 2009

    Default I would

    Quote Originally Posted by GARYP View Post
    Just purchased my 1st Kahr, PM9 with diamond black slide. I took it to the range and put 125 rounds through without a flaw, then it started ftf and fte every magazine. I thought that maybe it was dirty or I was limp wristing it. Took it home and gave it a good cleaning and went back to the range the next evening with my gunsmith freind. The pistol still ftf and fte several times with both of us shooting. Called Kahr, shipped it back, they reworked the eject port and put in a new ejector spring. Now it cycles great but when I got it home the recoil spring was broken. Called Kahr, and Ian told me I had to ship the spring to them BEFORE they would ship out another, I finally got a hold of another rep and he shipped a new spring to me. I noticed 3 of my magazines had broken followers. ANOTHER call to Kahr and Ian who told me that I would have to ship the pistol back AGAIN and wait 3-5 weeks to have it repaired. Got ahold of another rep and supposed to be sending me new followers. My question is: does anybody know how to get a hold of a person in charge? Has anybody else had this many problems or is mine just a lemon?
    suspect your FTf were the cause of broken followers thatat the time u did not know it. IMO it is gonna break um again, 3 is 2 more than I wold put up with. Normally I would go to Jay at Kahr,and I would ship it back on THEIR DIME NOT YOURS. Tell Jay it is new and what it is doing and how man y followers it has broken. IMO, it needs to go back. Sad but you have a great gun, just needs toget itself fixed RIGHT...
    . My PM9 has over 40,000+ rounds through it, and runs much better than an illegal trying to get across our border



  4. #4
    Join Date
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    N.E. Ohio


    +1 Jocko is right. Jay is the go to guy. He'll get it straightened out for you.
    Never trust anyone who doesn't trust you to own a gun.

    Life Member - NRA
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    second timne u have said I was right muggsy. First time was when I clledf u an idiot. Just sayin
    . My PM9 has over 40,000+ rounds through it, and runs much better than an illegal trying to get across our border



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    How can i get a hold of Jay?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    deeply embedded in Florida swampland


    If your friend is a gun smith.... he can easily trim the tiny excess on the feed ramp thats breaking followers.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Thanks for the input, I thought of that, but won't that void my warranty?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    deeply embedded in Florida swampland


    Possibly. But.... it will savetime and hassle

    To void the warranty, the manufacturer must claim what you did was directly responsible for whatever failure claim you're making.

    That is - they have to connect the dots between your ramp alteration (which is the same as they would perform, btw) and your... sights getting loose, or your trigger pin walking, or your cracked slide, or your frame rail going to crap.

    If your buddy grabs a whole lot of metal off the ramp and then it doesn't feed..... well... thats probably gonna be a problem. If he carefully removes only what is needed to prevent contact of the feed ramps nose upon the front of the follower, then Kahr will have to go to extreme measures to point to that causing a non-feeding issue. Thats the law. Magnuson-Moss Act, which covers that sort of thing, accessories, the use of non-OEM parts, etc. The manufacturer has to be able to connect the dots. They gotta show how your new non-factory magazine was responsible for the safety not working. They gotta show how your replacement sights caused the ejection problem, etc etc. Same is true on work performed. Originally the law was created to cover non factory-authorized repairs from voiding the warranty in the automotive market. That is, there was growing motivation for Detroit to say you had to have your car serviced by a dealer to keep the warranty intact. Now they gotta be able to connect the dots and say how Joe's Garage changing the oil at the specified interval caused a failure in the differntial. Same is true of all manufacturers and products, the M-M Act has no bounds regarding that.
    Last edited by CJB; 06-13-2014 at 02:22 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GARYP View Post
    How can i get a hold of Jay?
    kahr, attn: Jay. try that..

    I would not pay a smitty tomodify my feed ramp, kahr will fix it NC, they made it, le tthem do it under their warranty. Don't give them a chance to crawfish out of warranty because a smitty did sumpin to it tha tis noticealbe by Kahr. No doubt a smitty casn fix it to,most of the guys here do it themselves fully kowing that "maybe" their warrantyt might be in jeopardy, but again if the firing pin reaks or the cocking indicator breaks, that really has nuttng to do with the feed ramp mod, so IMO kahr will take care of that part breakage..

    that iswhy we have a warranty, so bear the time out with thegun anbd let them fix it their way. A smitty has realy no real clue as to what tyo do exactly. KAHR DOES.
    . My PM9 has over 40,000+ rounds through it, and runs much better than an illegal trying to get across our border



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