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Thread: MK Pocket Carry, yes you can.....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Light Bulb MK Pocket Carry, yes you can.....

    I have a new-to-me MK9 and have been having a good time with it. I am very impressed with the workmanship on the steel Kahr's, not that there is anything lacking on the polymer versions mind you. I have a CW380, bought specifically for its pocket carry ability/niche, plus the PSA price was too good to pass up, so I am not knocking the polymer.

    The thing is, I have been carrying my MK9 almost as well in my front pocket with only a Remora holster..... and it carries far better than the paper numbers would have you believe. There is almost a pound of difference between the CW380 and the MK9 when they are loaded. You feel this, but not like you would think. I did not expect this out of the MK9 even though I knew it was physically smaller, like a PM9, but the weight was "Too Heavy" per the internet commandos for a pocket carry pistol. I like good belts (not gun belts mind you, just good leather) and I like large front pockets on my pants/shorts. I carry everything (wallet, keys, etc.) front pocket and find that my shopping reflects this. Now it seems I will be looking for a dedicated wallet/pocket holster for my "Too Heavy" MK9.....

    So what does anyone else who pocket carries an MK(9 or 40) do for their comfort and techniques? I have a couple of other holsters for the MK9, Bianchi 105 minimalist (OWB), Galco Stow-n-Go (Easy IWB), Remora (IWB and now Pocket), but had not really considered a dedicated wallet/pocket holster for the little beast. I like the Uncle Georges I have for the CW380 a lot, so that is the top on my list for now. One of the leather lined Remora's is another contender, as they are thinner.

    I am looking for any other input those of you that are CARRIERS of the wonderful MK series have. If you have a Kydex Pocket holster, I am especially interested to see how the MK fares in those, versus the pants pocket and ease of carry. If you have another method or technique for pocket carrying the MK's let us know. I guess instead of calling it a little beast, I should call it a Pocket Tank now....

    This was the only other thread I had found for pocket carry of the MK's:
    Last edited by ReManG; 10-06-2014 at 09:33 PM.
    Comparison is the thief of Joy....


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Free Zone


    I pocket carry my MK40 Elite in a DeSantis SuperFly.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Austin, Texas


    My MK9 is on my hip.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by CPTKILLER View Post
    My MK9 is on my hip.
    I bet your pants look funny when you pocket carry like that.... Have you tried pocket carry with the MK9? I like the way mine rides in the Bianchi Minimalist on my hip, but the pocket carry is just too easy..... Like I said, my pants have some good front pockets, so it fits my current wardrobe well....
    Comparison is the thief of Joy....


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Washington (state)


    "Typing the word "grandparents," I mistyped and the autocorrect changed it to CandyLand. Not entirely inaccurate." - Our daughter.

    A Kahr, a Glock, a Ruger, two Brownings, two Remingtons, and a Crossman.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Jax, Fla


    I'm glad it works for you. Everyone's a bit different, I don't like front pocket carry because it tends to slap against my leg like a pendulum as I walk (in cargo shorts) or it sags down too much in a regular front pocket. I do find back pocket carry to be extremely comfortable though, but the draw stroke is difficult.
    Man of steel - Kahr T9, SP101, 1911

  7. #7


    I use an El Paso Pocket Max, for $30 it's pretty nice.

    I wanna try the Glocktech MIC holster, I've used them on my glocks forever and I just noticed they make one for kahrs(cw9,pm9,p40,cm9/40). MKs aren't on the list but for $20 I may just try it, my .45/10mm glock MIC works fine on the 9mm/.40 glocks.

  8. #8
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    Apr 2013


    I carry my MK in a Desantis Nemesis......................been using the same one for 3 years great, molded to my leg, firearm comes out easily. When I IWB, I use a High Noon Centerfold at 2:00 postion.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2014


    I carry my MK9 in a Stoner back pocket holster. I use the same holster for front pocket in cargo shorts. Jeans, I use it in back pocket. Works well. Have been carrying a Sig P238HD in one of these for years.

  10. #10
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    Oct 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by ppsnatcher View Post
    I use an El Paso Pocket Max, for $30 it's pretty nice.
    Right, the El Paso Saddlery holsters are Horsehide, that works well for keeping the sweat off the pistol..... As I do not have one of these, may just move to first place...

    Quote Originally Posted by berettabone View Post
    I carry my MK in a Desantis Nemesis......................been using the same one for 3 years great, molded to my leg, firearm comes out easily. When I IWB, I use a High Noon Centerfold at 2:00 postion.
    I feel the same about the Remora, I just have not gotten a Nemesis yet, I keep finding good deals on the Remoras....

    Quote Originally Posted by davcar45 View Post
    I carry my MK9 in a Stoner back pocket holster. I use the same holster for front pocket in cargo shorts. Jeans, I use it in back pocket. Works well. Have been carrying a Sig P238HD in one of these for years.
    I like this, very similar to the Uncle Georges I like, thanks for the link....

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
    I'm glad it works for you. Everyone's a bit different, I don't like front pocket carry because it tends to slap against my leg like a pendulum as I walk (in cargo shorts) or it sags down too much in a regular front pocket. I do find back pocket carry to be extremely comfortable though, but the draw stroke is difficult.
    I agree with you on the pendulum slap, it can get old, no matter the weight of the pistol... The back pocket issues I agree with as well, the problem of carry is there is always a compromise. If you go OWB and Open Carry, you can be a target.... OWB cover garment, need a good cover garment and practice drawing.... IWB same on cover garment and then pant and belt sizes need to be appropriate... etc. etc... For me the pocket carry has many advantages and a few compromises currently so I am focusing on this method for now...

    I really appreciate the good feedback so far, thanks and keep it coming....
    Comparison is the thief of Joy....


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