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Thread: Recoil spring install

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    North Carolina

    Default Recoil spring install

    Just an idea to help with the installation of new springs that are longer and stiffer than what you are replacing. I was trying to replace the springs in my P380. (While waiting on broken striker fix) and it was just impossible. I finally took a long screw, inserted it through the spring(s), put a nut and washer on the
    end and screwed it down until the spring was very compressed. After several hours, voila, good to go.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    N.E. Ohio


    I like that suggestion. I never was one for using brute force. I always got a bigger hammer.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Another good idea on the forum pages. Wished I had known that a few weeks ago when I replaced the recoil spring on my CW45.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Lexington NC


    Quote Originally Posted by kwh View Post
    Another good idea on the forum pages. Wished I had known that a few weeks ago when I replaced the recoil spring on my CW45.
    KWH.... question for you: was your new 45 spring about 1 inch longer than
    the old one? The one I ordered from Midway for a P45 is that much longer than my OEM, and so stiff I can't get it in. I'll try the bolt trick but would apprec some feedback.
    CT380,CW9, P45, Colt 1991A1, 1911A1 Rem-Rand, Sig GSR 45acp, Sig Ultra 45acp,Colt New Agent 9mm, German Makarov 9X18, M1 Carbines, Walther P22, Remington Nylon 66, North Amer 22, Ruger LCR 38cal, S&W Victory 38spl, S&W M15 38, Remington 870 Police 12ga.

  5. #5
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    when i replaced the recoil spring on my CW40, it was at least 1" longer than the stock spring. After 4-6 tries & 15 min of cussing/sweating, I managed to get the spring & recoil rod back in the slide.. After a couple hundred rounds it loosened up considerably & is much easier to reinstall. It is still slightly longer than the original spring though...

  6. #6
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    Yes all the new springs for the Kahrs are "longer" when new and a bear to get in the first time. My CM9 model is tighter than my CW45.
    Once installed keep slide locked open overnight or just shoot it some and spring will be "shorter" and easier to install next time.
    There are some pictures somewhere on the forum of before and after spring lengths.
    Quote Originally Posted by ulflyer View Post
    KWH.... question for you: was your new 45 spring about 1 inch longer than
    the old one? The one I ordered from Midway for a P45 is that much longer than my OEM, and so stiff I can't get it in. I'll try the bolt trick but would apprec some feedback.

  7. #7
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    Lexington NC


    Thanks guys for the replys. Makes me feel better; was thinking maybe I had got the wrong spring. I found a long bolt threaded all the way and cranked the spring down completely till it was only about 1` 1/2 inch think. Will leave it that way for few days
    before checking it. Curiously, its exactly the same length and number of coils as a 16lb spring I just bought for a 1911 Commander. Might well be diff tensile strength tho.
    CT380,CW9, P45, Colt 1991A1, 1911A1 Rem-Rand, Sig GSR 45acp, Sig Ultra 45acp,Colt New Agent 9mm, German Makarov 9X18, M1 Carbines, Walther P22, Remington Nylon 66, North Amer 22, Ruger LCR 38cal, S&W Victory 38spl, S&W M15 38, Remington 870 Police 12ga.

  8. #8
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    ^Good observation. Wonder if you installed the Kahr spring in the Commander, with the slide back for a day or two, if that would compress the spring enough? Sounds like you are well on your way with the bolt you found. Even so, expect expect a tight fit for the first several times.
    Some think the procedure is easier if the forward open cut end of spring faces toward the top of the slide (or away from you as you installing looking at slide upside down).
    The recoil/slide pin will probably be difficult to remove the first few times also. I have found it to be much easier to visually index its tab with the slide notch window rather than using the witness marks.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    I am impressed at only 4-6 tries. This may be a record. I would like to hear from anyone who has done it quicker the first time they installed a new Kahr recoil spring
    Quote Originally Posted by RonW View Post
    when i replaced the recoil spring on my CW40, it was at least 1" longer than the stock spring. After 4-6 tries & 15 min of cussing/sweating, I managed to get the spring & recoil rod back in the slide.. After a couple hundred rounds it loosened up considerably & is much easier to reinstall. It is still slightly longer than the original spring though...

  10. #10
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    Lexington NC


    Quote Originally Posted by kwh View Post
    ^Good observation. Wonder if you installed the Kahr spring in the Commander, with the slide back for a day or two, if that would compress the spring enough? Sounds like you are well on your way with the bolt you found. Even so, expect expect a tight fit for the first several times.
    Some think the procedure is easier if the forward open cut end of spring faces toward the top of the slide (or away from you as you installing looking at slide upside down).
    The recoil/slide pin will probably be difficult to remove the first few times also. I have found it to be much easier to visually index its tab with the slide notch window rather than using the witness marks.
    Took spring off the bolt the other day and inserted it in without too much trouble. It was definitely tighter then the OEM. Prob was in need of a new one. I'm guessing I had close to 2000 rounds on OEM. Many thanks to all for the suggestions. Have put
    the long bolt in my tool box for future use!
    CT380,CW9, P45, Colt 1991A1, 1911A1 Rem-Rand, Sig GSR 45acp, Sig Ultra 45acp,Colt New Agent 9mm, German Makarov 9X18, M1 Carbines, Walther P22, Remington Nylon 66, North Amer 22, Ruger LCR 38cal, S&W Victory 38spl, S&W M15 38, Remington 870 Police 12ga.

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