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Thread: DE 1911G replace front sight

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Default DE 1911G replace front sight

    Just got me a DE 1911G. Gun is great, only thing I can complain about is the front sight, I can't see it

    I'm new to the 1911. Can I buy a front sight from say Wilson Combat and it fit ok?

    I saw several sights on WC site but a bit confused on the sizes that range from .140 - .200. I assume this is the size of the dot?

    If it's a lot of trouble to mess with I may just stick with a dab of white nail polish on the front post and be done with it.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Near the Gila Mountains in SW AZ.


    Quote Originally Posted by Tex77377 View Post
    Just got me a DE 1911G. Gun is great, only thing I can complain about is the front sight, I can't see it

    I'm new to the 1911. Can I buy a front sight from say Wilson Combat and it fit ok?

    I saw several sights on WC site but a bit confused on the sizes that range from .140 - .200. I assume this is the size of the dot?

    If it's a lot of trouble to mess with I may just stick with a dab of white nail polish on the front post and be done with it.

    The .140-.200 is most likely the height of the sight.

    Unless the sight's description/specs says it is specifically made for the DE 1911G, you will need to know what the front sight dovetail dimensions of the DE 1911 G are to find a sight that will fit. For example this sight at WC says it fits a .300" x 60 degree dovetail:

    One would hope that Magnum Research could tell you what size that dovetail is.

    You might even try Dawson Precision as they make a fiber optic sight specific to the DE1911:

    [<a href= target=_blank></a>

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2023
    East Tennessee


    Looking for some advice on 1911 C sight replacement. Thought I had some from Dawson Precision, but must have missed quested at the size needed. I had been told to order sights for 1911 G but the ones I got have a much too small dovetail. It’s been so long since I ordered until I had the opportunity to install, I can’t find paperwork and have no idea what the numbers on them are.

    any advice would be appreciated…advice and money gladly accepted!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2018


    I would suggest calling a sight manufacturer. They will know what you need.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    SE Michigan


    My two cents, call or email Magnum Research with your serial number and ask for the dovetail specs. BUL Armory changed the dovetail cut two years ago. Mine is an early 2020 build and the current specs are different.
    But many say “what do I know.”

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    SE Michigan


    It’s been a month, any update on the sight? Da sight saga continues. Don’t leave us hangin.

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