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Thread: 2007/2008 P380 Stovepiping-- Do I need a new extractor?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    North Carolina


    Sorry to hear that a new extractor didn’t solve the problem. Have you examined the chamber. I’d be surprised if there was a problem but you might want to try the “plunk test” to see if the cartridges go in and out properly. The plunk test is where you drop the cartridge into the barrel. It should drop freely and the head should be even with the hood.
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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by trinan View Post
    New extractor did not help. Now it's FTE'ing with the same types of ammo-- still 100% with the expensive Underwood +P 102 GSs, and still ejecting S&B FMJ just fine-- but I'm getting light strikes about every 1/3 of them! May just be a bad batch of S&B ammo. Sheesh.
    Mine light strikes S&B ammo. They made a change to the primers or their process a few years back. When their primers stopped having the red seal around them, the light strikes started.

  3. #13
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    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Cokeman View Post
    Mine light strikes S&B ammo. They made a change to the primers or their process a few years back. When their primers stopped having the red seal around them, the light strikes started.
    Thanks for that info. I’ve had a couple of light strikes with their 9mm over the last year or so with my reliable handguns so that kinda explains it.
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  4. #14
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    Was the p380 even produced in 2007 or 2008? Mine is an RAxxxx from the first production run with a BOD of 2010.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Near the Gila Mountains in SW AZ.


    Quote Originally Posted by DJK11 View Post
    Was the p380 even produced in 2007 or 2008? Mine is an RAxxxx from the first production run with a BOD of 2010.
    I checked the "wayback machine" and found mention of them (after following a "new model" link) being shipped in December 2008
    [<a href= target=_blank></a>

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    SE Michigan


    Thanks kind of interesting. Purchased my RAxxxx new 5/2010. Kahr said BOD 2/2010, end of first production run when the tooling was worn out. Just kidding!!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    This video should be a sticky. IF you are OK with disassembling your slide, this is a NO BRAINER for any Kahr problems. My CT 380 could not go 2-3 rounds without the round jamming the gun or my need to SLAM the rear of the slide. It was NON-reliable in a big way - thread in the CT forum.

    After doing what this vid shows, and polishing the chamber, breechface, and extractor - it is a GREAT gun. I found that there were bad machine marks in the breech face, and the extractor was shaped too square to help in feeding.

    I am almost good with buying ANY used Kahr now because I am not afraid to work on them.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2023


    Running through the old threads seeing what I can apply to the CW380 and CM9 I just got. Clicked on your link above and the video has been removed (YT's new gun mod policy, maybe?). Any chance you could summarize what you learned there, or point me (and others in my situation) to another source for the info? You seem to have found it really useful, so I'd hate to miss out on any good tips you might know. Thanks!

  9. #19
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    Sep 2010


    I can’t seem to find what I’m looking for on the P380/CW380 but a significant part of feeding issues had to do with excessive extractor tension. The link below talks a little about it. This won’t be much help for the CM9 though. Hope this helps.
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  10. #20
    Join Date
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    La Habra, California


    Quote Originally Posted by yqtszhj View Post
    I can’t seem to find what I’m looking for on the P380/CW380 but a significant part of feeding issues had to do with excessive extractor tension.

    It's comforting to see that others have reached the same conclusion. When I first got it six years ago, my P380 choked on one particular brand of ammo. I decided to give the gun the once-over. The Kahr extractor is odd, so I don't know what the designers intended. But by 1911 standards, the P380 extractor is FAR too tight. I decreased the preload quite a bit--not as much as I thought it should be, but it's better to be conservative when making adjustments. The functionality is still spot-on with most ammo. I haven't purchased any more of the problem ammo, so I can't say whether the problem is resolved.

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