New member here. I have wanted a Kahr K9 since I first read the reviews back in 1995. I finally bought a slightly used K9 standard model in stainless. The previous owner claimed to have fired about 200 rounds through it to break it in, and judging by the marks on the breech face that seems reasonable. I field stripped it for cleaning and it was very clean inside. Nice to buy a used gun that somebody cleaned before selling it.
A few comments and questions:
- I emailed Kahr with the serial number and they said the date of manufacture was in August of 2017. I also inquired when the stainless K9 was first introduced and they replied 1995. I don't remember seeing them in anything except blued carbon steel that early. Does anyone know when the stainless guns were available ? I'm thinking it was more like the turn of the century.
- The trigger pull had a slight "hitch" that could be felt and heard as a little click sound. I searched past posts and sure enough found it wasn't uncommon. I removed the right grip panel and could see where the trigger bar spring was catching on a tiny burr on the bottom edge surface of the trigger bar. I glued pieces of 600, 800 and 1500 wet/dry automotive sandpaper to some popsicle sticks, removed the spring and then polished the segment of the trigger bar that was rough, finishing up with a drop of oil on the 1500 grit. It took maybe 5 minutes, checking my progress a couple of times. I didn't want to try to remove the trigger bar and the sandpaper on the popsicle sticks worked perfectly to access the section that needed smoothing. Problem solved, the hitch is no longer felt and the trigger is very smooth. That part should never have passed Kahr's inspection.
- The magazines are the hardest to load of any gun I have ever owned and that includes guns like P08 Lugers and M40 Swedish Lahti's. I assume they need strong springs to keep up with the slide velocity, but jeeze ! I have a loading tool on order, but will leaving the magazines loaded for a while help "break them in" ?
- I have read the threads concerning slide rattle. My gun has very minor play in the slide to frame fit but seems within acceptable tolerances. It certainly isn't as tight as my SIG P210 (which has about no perceptible play) but is as tight as a couple of CZ-75's I own for example. For the member who sent his K9 back, Kahr's answer that it was within their tolerances makes it seem like the upper end of those tolerances must be pretty wide and unfortunately some guns are better than others but they all pass inspection. I guess if it is 100% reliable, that's what matters. But still, it's not a Hi-Point.
Thanks for any comments or suggestions