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Thread: Steel magazine base plates. :)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by FreeMe View Post
    Well, it's possible that if the mag isn't locking in, there's excessive material above the groove to begin with. But it's so thin above the groove in the base on a working mag already that I'm forced by experience to consider that a weak spot. Having your mag spontaneously dump its contents on the ground while in the holster tends to change your perspective. I won't carry any Kahr with a plastic base on the mag anymore. Range mags don't matter.
    What part are you talking about. I assume you are talking about a plastic "Retainer/lock vs Metal" and not the Pinky extension or extended magazine's.

    By the way, Lakeline has the Nylon base retainer plates for 9mm mags back in stock. I ordered a few extra to go along with a order for some other firearm parts. cost is only $5.00.
    Last edited by King Rat; 07-10-2023 at 11:04 AM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Puerto Rico, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by FreeMe View Post
    I've put NDZ aluminum base plates on a couple other pistols I've had. Love 'em. Maybe we should pester them to make plates for our Kahrs. The etching options are a nice touch.
    Let’s face Kahr are not as popular as they once were, and after market parts not as abundant. Kahr has fall behind with the high capacity microcompact with 1 1/2 to double stacks crow. By the way,finally place an order with Kahr store for those pesky metal base plate.

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  3. #13
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    Jun 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Vinikahr View Post
    Let’s face Kahr are not as popular as they once were, and after market parts not as abundant. Kahr has fall behind with the high capacity microcompact with 1 1/2 to double stacks crow. By the way,finally place an order with Kahr store for those pesky metal base plate.
    Yep. The sad fact.

  4. #14
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    Jun 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by King Rat View Post
    What part are you talking about. I assume you are talking about a plastic "Retainer/lock vs Metal" and not the Pinky extension or extended magazine's.

    By the way, Lakeline has the Nylon base retainer plates for 9mm mags back in stock. I ordered a few extra to go along with a order for some other firearm parts. cost is only $5.00.

    I'm talking about the actual base plate. When I look at the groves that slide over the flanges of the mag body, there is significantly less material above and behind the groove than on the base plates of other pistols I own or have owned. But the important fact is that the Kahr base plate is the only one I've ever had break. And that wasn't under anything resembling abuse.

    I don't have any problem with the plastic locking plate.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by FreeMe View Post
    I'm talking about the actual base plate. When I look at the groves that slide over the flanges of the mag body, there is significantly less material above and behind the groove than on the base plates of other pistols I own or have owned. But the important fact is that the Kahr base plate is the only one I've ever had break. And that wasn't under anything resembling abuse.

    I don't have any problem with the plastic locking plate.
    When I purchase a firearm, I have always invested in many magazines for that gun as I do a lot of range shooting. (I like to load many magazines before I get to the range)I have many of the Nylon Kahr Base Plates both for the 380 and the 9mm. And I keep purchasing them as time goes on. I have well over a dozen or more magazines that have the base plates for them. Never once have I even remotely had a issue with any of them. (I just purchased another posted recently.) In fact, I doubt I could brake one even if I tried. Never had one actually come loose and drop rounds. If someone told me that happened on any Pistol, my first bet would have been that they simply did not insert the spring and plate correctly to begin with. or I would have called Kahr and got a replacement. David R. said that he would get a pinch on some of the Flat base plates. Now I can understand this may happen with a particular size hand on a particular size gun. Has not happened to me, but I can see where the possibility might exist.
    Kahr makes a Great Gun, has stood the test time of longevity for a reason. A case where they got it right the first time. Kahr also makes excellent, quality magazines. I can only imagine how many ten's of thousands have been sold and still selling. The Kahr's remain one on my most carried EDC guns, And I am sure I will be purchasing even more magazine's with the nylon extended base plates in the future. I have both the flat base and the extended and both work perfectly.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by King Rat View Post
    When I purchase a firearm, I have always invested in many magazines for that gun as I do a lot of range shooting. (I like to load many magazines before I get to the range)I have many of the Nylon Kahr Base Plates both for the 380 and the 9mm. And I keep purchasing them as time goes on. I have well over a dozen or more magazines that have the base plates for them. Never once have I even remotely had a issue with any of them. (I just purchased another posted recently.) In fact, I doubt I could brake one even if I tried. Never had one actually come loose and drop rounds. If someone told me that happened on any Pistol, my first bet would have been that they simply did not insert the spring and plate correctly to begin with. or I would have called Kahr and got a replacement. David R. said that he would get a pinch on some of the Flat base plates. Now I can understand this may happen with a particular size hand on a particular size gun. Has not happened to me, but I can see where the possibility might exist.
    Kahr makes a Great Gun, has stood the test time of longevity for a reason. A case where they got it right the first time. Kahr also makes excellent, quality magazines. I can only imagine how many ten's of thousands have been sold and still selling. The Kahr's remain one on my most carried EDC guns, And I am sure I will be purchasing even more magazine's with the nylon extended base plates in the future. I have both the flat base and the extended and both work perfectly.
    I don't doubt any of that. I have a lot of Kahr mags too. I do the same as you, and I've only had that one break. And yes, it broke. It wasn't installed incorrectly. I've been shooting and carrying Kahrs since about '97, so believe me when I say I know my way around them. They're still my favorite carry pistol. But I now only carry them with steel base plates on the mags. At the range, I'll use those mags and the many that still have plastic bottoms interchangeably. BTW, the one that broke came with my first Kahr and was something like 23 years old at the time. Maybe age was a factor. I don't know. But I can't make myself carry the plastic bases for serious business. If I was having a problem with the steel bases pinching or something, I might think differently - but I'm not.

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