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Thread: Marking and material questions.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2023

    Default Marking and material questions.

    Hello all,
    I recently picked up a used K9 in the AR42XX serial range, with 2 mags, for $400 before tax. It has some dings but mechanically seems fine. Gave the slide a detailed strip and cleaning. Haven't had the chance to shoot it yet. Reading some forum posts it seems like there is significance to dimples Kahr put on the bottom of the slide, mine has one between the extractor and the internal safety. What exactly does this mean? Also, my frame clearly says "STAINLESS" above the serial number, but I've read that the K9 has a carbon steel frame? I'm tempted to try polishing the pistol but if the frame isn't stainless I figure I'd be doing more harm then good.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    The very early K's were carbon steel. Now they are stainless steel. The dimples indicate the old style sights versus the new style sights. I'll have to dig in my memory banks to remember what the dimple means. Seems like the ones with the new style sights have the dimple but don't quote me on that. Somebody with better memory than me will be along to confirm or deny.
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    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

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    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Near the Gila Mountains in SW AZ.


    Quote Originally Posted by ahil925 View Post
    Hello all,
    I recently picked up a used K9 in the AR42XX serial range, with 2 mags, for $400 before tax. It has some dings but mechanically seems fine. Gave the slide a detailed strip and cleaning. Haven't had the chance to shoot it yet. Reading some forum posts it seems like there is significance to dimples Kahr put on the bottom of the slide, mine has one between the extractor and the internal safety. What exactly does this mean? Also, my frame clearly says "STAINLESS" above the serial number, but I've read that the K9 has a carbon steel frame? I'm tempted to try polishing the pistol but if the frame isn't stainless I figure I'd be doing more harm then good.
    As far as I know, that dimple is used in the manufacturing process. The dimple (or lack of one) that Bawanna mentions is located between the striker block safety and the rear of the slide. As he further mentions, it's presence means the slide has dovetails cut for the "new style" sights.
    Photo and explanation can be found on this page:

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2020


    The dimple means new style sight cut.
    Early K9s were blued carbon steel. There was a short run of electroless nickle finished carbon steel (which has been an awesome finish and has held up very well on mine). After that, they're all stainless. If yours has the dimple, it's stainless - even if it's black.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2023


    Would the barrel be stainless as well or would it be nickel coated?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by ahil925 View Post
    Would the barrel be stainless as well or would it be nickel coated?
    My fallible memory tells me that all the internal parts were e-nickle plated also, including the barrel. But I haven't handled that old K9 intimately in a long time, so I wouldn't take that to the bank. That one has been promoted to safe queen ever since I acquired the Elite 03 several years ago. Sadly, that gun is not in original condition because I had to replace the slide back, and by that time, they had switched that part to stainless.

    If you're asking about the newer K9's, I believe the barrels are stainless.

  7. #7


    I just picked up BF11XX. Stainless. Black finish. The barrel is Electroless Nickel.

    The black finish has always been really tough. More rust resistant that bare Stainless. I would leave it on there.

    I’ve had freckles of rust on all my stainless Kahrs. But, I have military grade corrosive sweat.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Near the Gila Mountains in SW AZ.


    FWIW, this is an early carbon steel K9:
    [<a href= target=_blank></a>

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2022


    Quote Originally Posted by gb6491 View Post
    FWIW, this is an early carbon steel K9:
    I wish we had a LIKE button here!!
    Are those adjustable sights? They look like the semi-auto S&W adjustable sights, and I've never seen anything like that on a Kahr...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Near the Gila Mountains in SW AZ.


    Quote Originally Posted by iWander View Post
    I wish we had a LIKE button here!!
    Are those adjustable sights? They look like the semi-auto S&W adjustable sights, and I've never seen anything like that on a Kahr...
    Good eye! That is an older MMC adjustable sight.

    It appears that MMC is back (maybe they never left) in the adjustable sight business (with a new design):

    [<a href= target=_blank></a>

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