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Thread: Opinions needed please MK9 or MK40?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    I’ve owned a CW40 that had issues which is how I found Kahrtalk looking for help…..Never felt good about that one so traded it for a PM40 which operated perfectly but I didn’t shoot it too well because of the recoil so it was traded for my current PM9 which is a great little gun that I pocket carry everywhere and I shoot it pretty good…..

    All that being said, the reason I bought the .40 S&W pistols in the first place was because it was right after Sandy Hook and we had the Obama ammo scare and when all the 9mm .38 .357 .45 and even .22lr were gone and the shelves were bare there was always plenty of .40 S&W available at reasonable prices so I figured it made sense to have at least 1 pistol in that caliber……Now today ammo is available, albeit expensive but you never know for whatever reason it might get scarce again but I’m guessing .40 will always be available…….

    As for your question MK9 or MK40 I would go with the 9 but with either one you can’t go wrong, good luck and let us know which one you decide on……..

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Upstate, South Carolina


    I own a PM9 and a MK9. Got a deal on the MK, would not run, so major discount. Fixed it. is just a little bit too heavy for me to pocket carry.
    If I need to carry it on a belt, might as well move up to the K9, slightly larger, but more rounds, and... less perceived recoil. Out of all my Kahr's the K9 is probably my favorite, so I am biased.
    NRA Benefactor

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2020


    I haven't shot the MK40, but I did have a range session with a rental MK9 years ago. I was amazed at how easy it was to shoot well. I'd say that little gun is probably my favorite pistol that I've never owned.

    Quote Originally Posted by kenemoore View Post
    I own a PM9 and a MK9. Got a deal on the MK, would not run, so major discount. Fixed it. is just a little bit too heavy for me to pocket carry.
    If I need to carry it on a belt, might as well move up to the K9, slightly larger, but more rounds, and... less perceived recoil. Out of all my Kahr's the K9 is probably my favorite, so I am biased.
    Those have been the reasons I never bought an MK9 as well. But that may change if I find a deal on one. After having the CM9 for a while, I can see that the MK would make sense for concealed OWB sometimes, instead of the K9.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by FreeMe View Post
    I haven't shot the MK40, but I did have a range session with a rental MK9 years ago. I was amazed at how easy it was to shoot well. I'd say that little gun is probably my favorite pistol that I've never owned.

    Those have been the reasons I never bought an MK9 as well. But that may change if I find a deal on one. After having the CM9 for a while, I can see that the MK would make sense for concealed OWB sometimes, instead of the K9.
    Quote Originally Posted by kenemoore View Post
    I own a PM9 and a MK9. Got a deal on the MK, would not run, so major discount. Fixed it. is just a little bit too heavy for me to pocket carry.
    If I need to carry it on a belt, might as well move up to the K9, slightly larger, but more rounds, and... less perceived recoil. Out of all my Kahr's the K9 is probably my favorite, so I am biased.
    I hate IWB carry, so I avoid it at all costs. IWB carry is doable, but just not as ideal or comfortable, plus i have to wear pants with an oversized waist. After experimenting and a lot of trail and error with every carry method and placement possible over the years with dozens of holsters to show for it, I have come to the realization that 3 o-clockhish OWB carry in a leather pancake holster is most comfortable for me and keeps the gun snug to my body.


    What I like about the MK9 and MK40 is that I can EDC it OWB even in the summer with nothing other than a t-shirt that's not oversized. I can wear an outfit similar to the picture above with a MK9/MK40 concealed OWB in a pancake holster and not print or have the muzzle show, and I still have a very shootable and comfortable package that handles recoil very well because of it's weight while not having to carry a bigger heavier gun. Other than that, the K and MK accepts the same magazines, so the capacity can be the same or less depending on the level of concealment needed.

    An older picture of what I use to EDC even sometimes at my old antigun place of employment for 12 hour shifts. I was a technician at a manufacturing plant, so I wasn't sitting stagnant at a desk all day. 7 rounds total in the gun with 7 round mags as back-up was more than enough for me.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    I used to agree with the hate for IWB, just didn't work for me. I usually just run things the way they arrive and don't mess with stuff. However I discovered since it didn't work for me, why not mess with it some. I did this with Garrett holsters. I really like the leather lined kydex. I changed the cant and tried different positions and alas they worked for me. Far as oversized pants, not really the case since I always have an IWB holster on. I think I have at least 8 Garrett Silent Thunder holsters, one for each possible carry gun. Since I carry a 1911 about 90% of the time, one holster works for several options.
    Absolutely agreed, IWB isn't for everybody, but I converted from no way to going IWB every day. I also really like OWB and have some good rigs for that as well, but for me mostly around the house and yard, the IWB is the ticket.
    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2020


    I carried either a K9, a 1911, or a HiPower IWB for years. Mostly the K9. Very do-able in a Milt Sparks VMII. But after I developed lower back trouble related to an injury, that method tends to aggravate it if I carry that way every day. I restrict IWB to certain occasions now. The rest of the time, it's unnecessary. Partly due to micro pistols, and partly due to where I don't have to go anymore.
    Last edited by FreeMe; 02-25-2024 at 05:23 PM.

  7. #17


    Hey thanks everyone for the info. The MK9 was sold and the MK40 was a consignment gun that has a deposit on it.

    So I'm watching an MK9 on gun broker if it pans out I'll get it.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Free Zone


    Have a MK40 Elite.
    Find it too heavy for pocket carry though.
    On a belt there's no good reason not to have the extra capacity and grip of the K40.
    If I had it to do over again I'd get a T9 Elite

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Wet & Wild Pacific NW


    The Elite must be the one that has a checkered front strap. Mine does not but it's not the Elite. Never knew any did but saw on a web someplace one with it. I'd like that.
    In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
    Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
    Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
    Cue sound of Head slap.

    RIP Muggsy & TMan

    "If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."

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