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"Never pet a burning dog"
Remember this one?
A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition
-Rudyard Kipling
When I was a kid and there was a family get together, just about every weekend, my brothers, cousins and I would take turns as the official beer fetcher. We knew our jobs were to keep the grown ups well lubricated so there was no complaining amongst us. Happy grown ups made for an easier life back then for the kids. Now days, if you send a kid to get you a beer, it is either considered child abuse, or you get a lecture from the kid on the evils of alcohol. My how times have changed.
Last edited by jeepster09; 09-05-2024 at 12:26 PM.
"Life Member NRA" / GOA Member.
I am addicted to brake fluid...don't worry I can STOP at anytime!
Here ya go...
Last edited by jeepster09; 09-05-2024 at 12:25 PM.
"Life Member NRA" / GOA Member.
I am addicted to brake fluid...don't worry I can STOP at anytime!
In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
Cue sound of Head slap.
RIP Muggsy & TMan
"If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."
I had a Murray lime green, banana-seated one-speed, and envied the kids with stick shifts. First page I'd turn to in the fat ol' Monkey Wards, JC Penney, and Sears Christmas catalogs was the bicycle section.
I'm getting old, though. My first thought when I saw that picture was, "man, her feet would stink".
For some reason I can't see half of what jeep posts. Like the last two, there's just a small icon of a piece of paper.
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"Never pet a burning dog"
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"Never pet a burning dog"