Man, those are beautiful. Excellent craftsmanship. That's some talent you have there.
Man, those are beautiful. Excellent craftsmanship. That's some talent you have there.
Wow, Bawanna, those are beautiful. You did a mighty fine job on those grips. I am really impressed. You got a real talent there. I could work on those for 10 years and not get that result. Nice work.
Kahr P380 (part owner)
Kahr PM9
Kahr PM45
Kahr MK9 Elite 03
Springfield XDs .45 3.3
Springfield XDm .40 Compact 3.8
Springfield XDm 9mm 3.8
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
.....Benjamin Franklin
I have many very nice wood carved grips for a few of my guns. 3 setsfor one of them alone.
Those grips are top notch. They are beautiful and made so nicely I can't really put into words how impressed I am. Your dad is a lucky man to have those on his weapon. Thats the kind of quality I am always lookig for.
.......It's that you shot!
Stay thirsty my friend!
99% of the Liberals give the rest of them a bad name
Thanks Recoil Guy. Actually I am the lucky one as I inherited it from my dad. I guess it'll always be dad's gun and while it's mine for now, it will be my son's some distant day and maybe he'll call it his dad's gun too.
•"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end." - O. L.
• "America's not at war; her military is. America's at the mall."
Awesome job on OL's heirloom. Great craftmanship and even more important, the heart and time you put into making such a special gun even more special. I'm proud of you...and you're hired for my MK9/K9 PPF (purchased pending funds). Here's to hoping for mounds and mounds of snow in WA so you can keep using those talents of yours. Cherish it OldLincoln (I know you will).
Those are gorgeous, Bawanna! Can you make me a pair like that for my PM9? Then it would be my most beautiful gun! That's all it lacks!
I've often thought if I could figure out a way to put nice wood grips on a Glock I'd have more money than Davy Crockett.
Would be sweet to have a PM with wood handles. Ahh the possibilities.
In Memory of Paul "Dietrich" Stines.
Dad: Say something nice to your cousin Shirley
Dietrich: For a fat girl you sure don't sweat much.
Cue sound of Head slap.
RIP Muggsy & TMan
"If you are a warrior legally authorized to carry a weapon and you step outside without that weapon, then you become a sheep, pretending that JOCKO will not come today."
Those are as nice looking as any grips ive seen custom made. What wood is that? Cocobola? I reread the 1st post many times to see if i missed it as they look better than Cocobola usually does.
Odd I was never a fan of that wood, But if thats what those are i guess i better start rethinking my position. I think it may be the glossy look and high contrast in the wood colors you usually don't see in checkered Cocobola wood.
I think you actually could make a business out of making grips to fit those mag releases as no one ive seen makes anything like those grips.
Hopefully ill still be around and not have pissed you off for some stupid reason and hope later i can get you to checker my MK grips in a custom pattern.
Again, Beautiful work Bawanna!
Wow, those are beautiful! What exceptional workmanship and attention to detail. I am totally inept at woodworking, so from my standpoint the ability to do cuts like that by hand borders on miraculous!
Chief Administrator
. My PM9 has over 40,000+ rounds through it, and runs much better than an illegal trying to get across our border