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Thread: IDPA Rule

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by HighLander51 View Post
    Keep in mind that although IDPA is believed to be about shooting what you carry and tactical, the facts are it was invented, and is owned by, one of the greatest IPSC shooters ever (even before USPSA), and that is Bill Wilson. He and his buddies cooked up the rules way back in 1997, and they are pretty much just opposite of USPSA rules today. Here is a great read.

    If you want to shoot your every carry gun, like in my case a G19 from an IWB holster under a t shirt, I can only do so well as opposed to shooting my G34 from an OWB holster and a photographers vest
    Excellent article. In the couple years we ran action shoots with no affiliation to IPSC or USPSA I saw terrible shooters transformed into pretty good with a then $4K race gun.

    So out of the box concealed carry is the intent.

    Depending on the match and participation if there are slots open shooting it for fun/no score with an illegal gun or sights should be up to the officials. If there's no safety issue and funds go to the club why not?

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by newCW45guy View Post
    Depending on the match and participation if there are slots open shooting it for fun/no score with an illegal gun or sights should be up to the officials. If there's no safety issue and funds go to the club why not?
    I have no problem at all with that. If a time came where our small 4-berm club was seeing huge squads (and hence long wait times to shoot) and a large percentage of those squads were outlaw shooters, I'd want to take some action. But when the weather is lousy and only 25% of the usual crowd even shows up, it's a no brainer--let 'em shoot if they've come to shoot. I think outlaw apples only to the gun itself though. I don't think I want ankle, thigh or shoulder rigs out there.
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  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bongo Boy View Post
    There's a stiff penalty for spraying and praying, and no reward at all for standing around and lining up perfect shots. Actually, there's quite a penalty for 'standing around'.
    IDPA is scored as time plus 1/2 second per point(s) down. So the longer you take and the more C's and D's you have the worse off you are. However if you are shooting very quickly with no points down, you should speed up. If you are shooting mostly C's and D's you should slow down. In the beginning of the game, IDPA was scored at 1/3 seconds per point, and they felt it rewarded speed to much so it was changed. I ran a 3 berm 4 stage IDPA club for 7 years, and the problem was it got way too big! We had to limit the match to 40 shooters.

  4. #24
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    I didn't see it mentioned, but IDPA rules are intended to keep it from becoming a money and speed gun race like some of the other pistol sports. Not saying it's right when it comes to porting barrels, but that is the intent.
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  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by HighLander51 View Post
    IDPA is scored as time plus 1/2 second per point(s) down. So the longer you take and the more C's and D's you have the worse off you are. However if you are shooting very quickly with no points down, you should speed up. If you are shooting mostly C's and D's you should slow down..

    I totally agree with your barometer.
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  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2016


    all the IDPA clubs in Wisconsin will let you shoot your CT/PORTED/COMP'D,MAG FUNNEL equipped gun in NFC class,not for compettion, against yourself anyone else who would want to shoot a IDPA illegal may be able to keep the ported slide w/o ported barrel and be legal in Enhanced Service Pistol, as you'll agree a ported barrel gives you a unfair edge over non-ported competitors.

    you may find "gamers" at local matches but they usually move into USPSA where the onus is not so defensive oriented. IDPA sanctioned matches go so far as to check if your pistol fits the "dreaded box" w/mag inserted, weighed,(leaved tungsten guide rods home), mag capacity (CDP, 7o 8 rnd. will mark your hand) where your holster and mag holders are on your belt,ALL IN A EFFORT TO KEEP THE FIELD LEVEL. most IDPA "gamers" in my experience are the ones who can plan, perform better, find the easy way to work rather the hard way. I 've learned this by S.O. ing many good shooters who by gazillion rounds down range can do it smarter,faster, and more accurately without competition ONLY guns.
    do they carry what they compete with,some do, usually the CCPs or BUGs; those that don't in IMHO are missing the boat.

    you will only get out what you put in; by the way, I compete w/CM9 in BUG/MM, the only changes to gun ,added height to mag release, milled slide for TFO sights.

    Last edited by bugs; 09-15-2016 at 01:58 PM. Reason: forgot a comment

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