Some photos of my custom PM9 with 25K+ rounds.
Photo#1 Shows left side plus 360 degree stipple work and mag well cut outs plus Magna-Port slide and barrel.
Photo #2 Shows Right side with grip stippling and thumb pads plus trigger contour work done by Cylinder and Slide and Portng work by Magna-Port, kand a better view of my xs big dot sights..
Photo#3 Shows xs24/7 Big Dot Night sights plus heavy slide melt by accurate-iron and titanium/flake finish. Big dot sights photo did not show as goodas I wanted...
Photo #4 Shows slide lock lever reduction and 360 degree countour to lever, done by yours truly with help of my trusty dremel.
Photo#5 Shows right side slide lock pin, after shortening and countouring with dremel to be flush with right side of the grip. Lever still comes out easily.
Some work by cylinder and slide, Most work done by Accurate Iron. Mag well cut out and side lock lever done by owner.I had another photo of the front of the barrel counter bored by Magna-port but it did not come out well..
This is my 24/7 carry peace . I shoot it like I stole it, best defense gun i have ever owned. Most fun gun I have ever owned. I will say I do not shoot it as well as my G19 but it ain't the guns fault either..
thank you for the opportunity to show this gun on this great forum also.
You can click on the photos to enlarge and see far more. Thank you.